Large grid, selecting rows and sudden scroll to top

Large grid, selecting rows and sudden scroll to top

christatedavieschristatedavies Posts: 6Questions: 2Answers: 0

I cannot show any of the data, its all confidential. I'm hoping this won't hinder my issue.

I've updated to the latest version of datatables and the issue exists. 1.10.24

Basically, I have a table of ~3800 rows. Its not a massive amount. But the DOM is pretty hefty. Lots of inputs, labels, etc.

I have the checkboxes down the left, enabling row selection.

The issue is, that if I select a few rows on the first page, and then click the scrollbar to move down the table and then select some more, the grid will randomly refresh and scroll to the top.

It doesn't ALWAYS do it, and it doesn't do it on certain spec PCs.

Using Firefox on my iMac on OSX, I have no issues. I can merryly go down selecting rows til the cows come home. Not a single refresh.

Using Firefox on a MacBook Pro bootcamped with Windows 10. I cannot replicate the issue.

Using Firefox on a Windows 10 VirtualBox guest, I can make it happen any time I want. This VM has 4GB memory allocated to it.

I believe this to be some sort of error/crashed reload. I think the Windows VM is running out of memory or something and forcing the grid to scroll to the top.

As a matter of note, the selected rows DO remain. They are not unticked. So the page isn't being reloaded, its just like a scroll back to top happens.

I know 3800 is a lot of rows, but apparently they need to see them all on one screen. Incidently, if I change the paging to only show 100 rows, I do NOT ever get the issue.

If anyone has ever come across this before, I'd love to be able to stop this behaviour. Its one of my oldest tickets on my helpdesk now!

Thanks, Chris

PS. I'm not expecting miracles, I know I've not given you any debug information or technical info, but I simply cannot show you that. And the debugger gets stuck on "Compressing for upload". Just hoping someone can point me in the right sort of direction.


  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    Yep, we would really need to see this to progress it. We don't need to see the data as it is, you could mock it with alternative data, but yep, without seeing it there's not much to go on (especially as it's not occurring consistently!). Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.



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