Action POST parameter for standart Datatables
Action POST parameter for standart Datatables

I am working with Datatables Editor in trial and it is nice piece of sofware sure will buy it
I am sending all (Datatables + Editor) POST on one ajax url...
I think will nice if also Datatables will have in future post parameter ACTION as has Editor
By this will cover all situation of CRUD actions of datatables and will better handle in code the post request from both Datatables.
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Does this example show what you would like to do?
@kthorngren yes, exactly is what i needed
I am suggesting add in section Client-to-Server under this sentence
If you wish to add additional parameters to be set to the server you can use the preSubmit event to manipulate the data object that is sent by Editor to the server.
Also mention that is possible send request on more urls and will nice add some mention about Rest with link
Because documentation and examples are so huge, that for newbies in editor will save this info about REST in entry docs about Client/Serverside lots of time.
That is only my opinion and thank you for your help.