Chrome update ScrollBar Issue
Chrome update ScrollBar Issue

Hi !
Since the last chrome update, about two weeks ago, whenever I use a datatable with a scrollY, there is an annoying horizontal scrollbar that appears.
It seems to break the autoWidth property too.
This bugs seems too big and I can't find any post about it here.
Test case :
It's the border="1" property on the html that breaks everything. Remove it and it's okay (like on the examples in the plugin site)
(debugger is commented in the JS part of the test case)
Sorry I forgot to put paging:false in my first test case
Updated Test Case :
(the horizontal scrollbar is alway here, even when it's not necessary ...)
Interestingly, it is happening in Firefox as well. I'm fairly certain it is to do with the borders. I'll look into this and get back to you.
Hi Allan,
Yes the borders that breaks the scrollbars
Can I help you in your analysis ?
I have scrollbars everywhere and cannot remove my borders
Hello, I have the same problem here, do you have a solution?
Not yet sorry. I will be looking into this for the next patch release.
Just been doing some work on diagnosing this and this little bit of CSS should fix it: .
It addresses the error in both Chrome and Firefox for me. Does it work for you?
Hello Allan,
This fix is working perfectly on chrome in my apps !