Submission is called twice when a server error occours
Submission is called twice when a server error occours
I'm using editor in inline mode with following config
formOptions: {
inline: {
onBlur: 'submit',
submit: 'allIfChanged'
My problem is that when a server error occours during submit, submission is performed twice.
When an (ajax) server error occours I have a code like this:
success({ data: [], error: 'There is some error' });
The error string is correctly showed under the field, but the ajax submission call is made again.
Can anyone help me with this?
This problem occours only when I exit from the field (blur) by clicking on any another field. All work fine (submission is called once) if I exit from the field by clicking outside from the grid.
Are you able to give me a link to your page showing the issue so I can look into this please? Sounds odd!