stateSaveCallback resets configuration
stateSaveCallback resets configuration

What is happening is that the previous mentioned callback is reseting table configuration everytime.
So, modfified stated is saved and then loaded fine from database, but after loaded the stateSaveCallback fires up(which is expected) but reseting config to default. In this post same was happening to one user but cause was not discovered. Anyone, please?
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In that thread Colin asked for a test case showing the issue so it can be debugged. Please provide a link to your page or a test case showing the issue. Maybe you can update his example.
I think I edited the example, Kevin, thanks. I'm using Laravel+Blade.... code is like this...
I start to think it is not the stateSave... I guess the loadState is not changing the table as I commented all inside stateSaveCallback and datatable still reseting as original. So may be that datatable is not changing as the loaded config.
I debugged and configuration is arriving to the var o, however, why table not load that specific config but default, I don't know.
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#agencies').DataTable({
responsive: true,
autoWidth: false,
dom: 'fBlrtp',
stateSave: true,
ajax: "{{ route('admin.datatable.agencies') }}",
columns: [
{data: 'id'},
{data: 'name'},
{data: 'url'},
{data: 'action', orderable: false, searchable: false, className: "text-right"},
buttons: [
{extend:'pdf', text: '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" ></i>', className: 'btn-datatable'},
{extend:'print', text: '<i class="fas fa-print"></i>', className: 'btn-datatable'},
{extend:'excel', text: '<i class="far fa-file-excel"></i>', className: 'btn-datatable'},
language: { },
stateSaveCallback: function (settings, data) {
examples show a pre 1.10.13 solution which you are using and a solution for 1.10.13 and newer. If you are using Datatables 1.10.13 or higher try the other solution.Kevin
I am using 1.10.24. So I updated my code to be like advised(but still not working):
stateLoadCallback: function (settings, callback) { //what is callback?
As you can see in the example on the page
, you need to callcallback()
with the JSON.Colin
The above code is correct then? Is the issue somewhere else?
The example has:
You have:
contain the settings?Kevin
Yes Kevin, data.json contains the settings. I coded like that because I noticed that full json contained {success: true, json{...//real config data}, etc}, so I did data.json to only get configuration and leave out 'success' key.
I add two screenshots so you can see:
This above is data.json and here at the end is the datatable, as you can see, even when some columns 'visible' prop is false, they are showing up
Is the
output you have above an object or string? Looks like you are using Chrome and I would expect the output to look more like this as an object:If its a string maybe you nee to use
callback( JSON.parse( data.json ) );
Kevin, I love you!
You saved me! You are so right. That line
callback( JSON.parse( data.json ) );
just made my day! Thanks a lot. Now datatable loads config.I'm having an issue anyway... I gess is related to how datatable expects the json? I upload a picture of the console and a picture of the controller where I send the json.
The second picture is how I assemble the json response for the datatable. May be that callback expects specific format in the json? As result of this error config is loaded but data is not.
This pointed me in the right direction: Problem is that 'search' param is saving as 'null' ...that made the jquey raise exception in it's intern 'replace' function. Don't know how to fix it. Only to options come to my mind:
1-After retrieving configuration, apply a str_replace to all 'null' and change them to ' '.
2-Specify the params to save and leave out 'search'.
Had to go for something simmilar to first option of previous comment(Im a begginer, sorry)
return json_encode($varArray);
//from here on, datatable works as expected.Note: if you use
.on( 'stateSaveParams.dt', function (e, settings, data) { = ""; } );
it will also save 'search' as null. Don't know why this happened with nulls and datatable.**The important **is that I fixed it with your help and now will help other with similiar situation: Datatable 1.10.25+saveState with Ajax in Laravel 8.x and PHP 7.4.x
Its likely something on your sever side that is change empty strings to
. You can verify this by using your browser's network inspector to look at the data sent bystateSaveCallback
. This example shows thestateLoadCallback
has an empty string for the searches notnull
. Look at theJSON:
output in the console:
You can toggle the visibility with the button then click
Run with JS
to reload the table and state.Kevin
Thanks for the example. I see well the params. I guess something related to Ajax+Laravel is happening. I see here same problem
It is related with backend technologies that change empty strings to null. I have a middlewre in Laravel named "ConvertEmptyStringsToNull" the name says all... that applies to all requests. I'll find out what to do to let datatable config request out of it.
A question: Can jquery datatable treat the null values as empty strings? or is it only a backend issue?