Set tableClass in responsive modal bootstrap
Set tableClass in responsive modal bootstrap

in Responsive
Hello, I am making a table that uses responsive, where it ignores a certain column to show the data in a modal with bootstrap, the problem is that I don't know how to configure the tableClass in my code so that it looks in the modal
$.fn.dataTable.Responsive.defaults.details.renderer.tableClass = "table"; /* I tried */
responsive: {
details: {
display: $.fn.dataTable.Responsive.display.modal( {
header: function ( row ) {
var data =;
return 'Info of ' + data[3];
} ),
renderer: function ( api, rowIdx, columns ) {
var data = $.map( columns, function ( col, i ) {
return col.columnIndex != 2 ?
'<tr data-dt-row="'+col.rowIndex+'" data-dt-column="'+col.columnIndex+'">'+
'<td>'+col.title+':'+'</td> '+
'</tr>' :
return data ?
$('<table/>').append( data ) :
/* I need add too
renderer: $.fn.dataTable.Responsive.renderer.tableAll( {
tableClass: 'table'
} )*/
columnDefs: [ {
className: 'dtr-control',
orderable: false,
targets: 0
order: [ 1, 'asc' ],
buttons:["copy","excel","pdf","colvis"]}).buttons().container().appendTo("#datatable-buttons_wrapper .col-md-6:eq(0)");
Can somebody help me ?
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I may be missing something here, but can't you add the class on line 26, something like