Bulma ellipsis error
Bulma ellipsis error

Link to test case: https://datatables.net/extensions/select/examples/styling/bulma -> change value with inspect from 10 to 2 and click ...
Error messages shown: DataTables warning: table id=users_index_datatables - Unknown paging action: ellipsis. For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/5*
Description of problem: When I click on bulma {table_id}_datatables_ellipsis in pagination section it shows the error, I think should be add case with <li><span class="pagination-ellipsis">…</span></li> from https://bulma.io/documentation/components/pagination/#sizes
I'm not seeing that issue I'm afraid:
This is the code that will handle the ellipsis.
Can you create a test case at http://live.datatables.net that shows the issue perhaps? I've just tried here and again it appears okay.
I'm having the same problem.
Press the Run with JS button.
I've just tried here .
Sorry for my bad English.
I'm afraid I don't understand. Running your example I see:
What am I missing?
Update - sorry. Clicking on the ellipsis is causing the error - got it now. Will update in a moment when I've committed a fix.
Fix committed here. The nightly will be update to date with the change shortly.
Thanks for reporting this to me!