Tabletool bug with exporting non-english characters
Tabletool bug with exporting non-english characters

We are trying DataTables and noticed a strange problem today.. Not sure if someone else has run into this before but any insight you can provide will be very very much appreciated..
I have a table with about 6 columns and rows with German words in it...
When using the TableTools plugin and trying to export to CSV or Excel, some of the words in the rows export correctly , and some do not download completely - don't know why this is the case.
Eg. when the text is "Allgäu apartments" it exports correctly.. .however for the keyword "apartments allgäu", the download file only says "apartments allg". All keywords containing "allgäu" in their text string at the end have the same problem.
Do you know why the last two characters are missing for those keyword? First I assumed it has to do with the special character. However that doesn't make sense as Allgäu apartments and other terms have no issue with the special character.
I have a table with about 6 columns and rows with German words in it...
When using the TableTools plugin and trying to export to CSV or Excel, some of the words in the rows export correctly , and some do not download completely - don't know why this is the case.
Eg. when the text is "Allgäu apartments" it exports correctly.. .however for the keyword "apartments allgäu", the download file only says "apartments allg". All keywords containing "allgäu" in their text string at the end have the same problem.
Do you know why the last two characters are missing for those keyword? First I assumed it has to do with the special character. However that doesn't make sense as Allgäu apartments and other terms have no issue with the special character.
This discussion has been closed.
Thanks in advance!
One thing to check - have you got charset="utf8" on all of your SCRIPT tags? If so, and it still doesn't work, can you give us a link to the page please?