Bootstrap Datetimepicker not displaying ( Editor + bootstrap 5 )
Bootstrap Datetimepicker not displaying ( Editor + bootstrap 5 )
I'm having trouble using the date in the editor datatable using bootstrap 5 ,
When I tried to use what is described in this lesson :
This error appears to me :
Uncaught TypeError: this._optionsTitle is not a function
This is the order of libraries
and When I tried to use this plugin ,
no error but the picker not displaying :
I hope you can solve both problems because I suffered from them a lot
Regarding the first problem, I found its source, it is in the translation file, after I deleted the datetime translation , the problem was solved.
But what to do to work with translation?
In the short term, to workaround this, use the nightly version of DateTime which has a fix for the issue you are seeing.
We should get the new version deployed before the end of next week.