npm delivers old SearchBuilder version
npm delivers old SearchBuilder version

Hi DataTables team,
just wanted to let you know that npm is serving an outdated SearchBuilder version when installin 1.2.0. While the package.json in node_modules/ shows 1.2.0, the js files contain code for 1.1.0.
The git repo contains 1.1.0 as well instead of 1.2.0.
(btw. is there an ETA when DataTables 1.11.0 is available via npm?)
This discussion has been closed.
Hi @Itrac ,
Something funny is going on there. The code within npm and and the repo you linked is the version 1.2.0 code, but it is labelled within the code as 1.1.0. Not sure why that is but it will be resolved in the next release.
We are looking at 1.11.0 as I type, I'll update here when it get's released on npm.
Hi @Itrac ,
Just to let you know that we have now published 1.11.0 on npm.
Hi @Sandy,
thank you for your fast reply.
You are right with the git repo, it contains the latest code. But npm seems to contain old code. I confirmed this with downloading SearchBuilder with
(That's how I stumbled upon this issue.)
npm pack
, extracting the downloaded and doing a diff with SearchBuilder from your CDN.I don't want to be nitpicking but if anyone can't get SearchBuilder with serverside rendering to work while using npm, this is the reason
For now I will use the CDN provided version and enjoy SearchBuilder with serverside rendering, which is btw an awesome feature.
Thank you.
Hi @Itrac ,
Just to confirm that I can see the issue now. We are looking into it and report back here with an update soon! I've created a bug internally for us to track this (DD-2195 for my reference).
Hi @Itrac ,
We've just released version 1.2.1 on npm to resolve this.
Thanks again for pointing this out,