I need to add a link in each table record brought from mysqli to another .php file, how can I add t

I need to add a link in each table record brought from mysqli to another .php file, how can I add t

GerardynGerardyn Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0


<div class="datatable-container">
<h2>Panel de Entregas a Clientes</h2>
<table name="tbl-contact" id="tbl-contact" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">






```$table = 'entregas';

// Llave primaria a usar
$primaryKey = 'id_entrega';
$consulta= "SELECT * FROM entregas";
$ejecutaConsulta= mysqli_query($conexion, $consulta);
while ($dato=mysqli_fetch_array($ejecutaConsulta)):

$columns = array(
array( 'db' => 'echo $dato["id_entrega"] ', 'dt' => 0),
array( 'db' => 'fecha', 'dt' => 1),
array( 'db' => 'conductor', 'dt' => 2),
array( 'db' => 'cliente', 'dt' => 3),
array( 'db' => 'l_entrega', 'dt' => 4),
array( 'db' => 'ticket', 'dt' => 5),
array( 'db' => 'estacion', 'dt' => 6),
array( 'db' => 'h_s_tienda', 'dt' => 7),
array( 'db' => 'h_ll__cliente','dt'=> 8),
array( 'db' => 'h_s_cliente', 'dt' => 9),
array( 'db' => 'h_ll_tienda', 'dt' => 10),
array( 'db' => 'tiempoActivo','dt' => 11),
array( 'db' => 'timeInactivo','dt' => 12)


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