What is the format of the hours array for opt.hoursAvailable when using the US am/pm time format
What is the format of the hours array for opt.hoursAvailable when using the US am/pm time format

in Editor
The following works with 24 hour time format
hoursAvailable: [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14],
What is the correct format of the hoursAvailable array for 12 hour am/pm format?
format: 'MM/DD/YYYY h:mm a'
I tried the array format for 24 hour time but that does not work. You can not select anything after 11:00 am (can not select pm button)
I have tried many "string variants" such as '7p' '7P' '7 p' '7 P' '7pm' with no success
Example of Editor Form Field Definition
label: "Date / Time",
type: 'datetime',
keyInput: false,
format: 'MM/DD/YYYY h:mm a' ,
opts: {
hoursAvailable: [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14],
Yep, it looks like there's a bug there. The format is correct, but it's not allowing you to flip between the AM and PM times - here's an example - try clicking on New and changing the time of the start date field. I've raised it internally (DD-2393 for my reference) and we'll report back here when there's an update.
Thanks for confirming I had not lost my mind!!!
I will await updated information.
Any update on this issue?
Hi Paul,
Apologies for the delay on this - it fell off my radar. I've just made a change to DateTime which partly fixes this. It allows the toggle to happen, but when you toggle it will automatically select the corresponding value for the new range. e.g. If you had 3pm selected, it will automatically select 3am now (regardless of whether 3am is in the allowed list or not).
The reason for this is that the display is coupled to the value - if it is an AM value then the AM range will show, likewise for PM. It isn't possible at the moment to show AM options when a PM value is selected. That this something that is going to need to be added to the library to allow this to work fully.
Allan will you be able to fix this or do i need to migrate to a different date time picker?
Hi Paul,
There isn't an immediate plan to fix this I'm sorry to say. It would require a potentially significant re-think of how the control works, since it would need the value to be decoupled from the DOM (at the moment we can always just read the value back).
I agree that this is something that does need to be fix though. I've got a bug for it that I will look into when I'm working on DateTime for its next release.
Any update on this or should I consider it as "the horse is dead"?
I'd take a pull request that addresses it, but it isn't something that I've yet dedicated any time to address I'm sorry to say. As I work my way through my backlog I hope to get to it, but at the moment, I can't say when that will be.