Why is data not shown?
Why is data not shown?

i don't know why the Date of the 3rd and 4th row is not visibale .... it is included in the HTML ... but not shwon
Can someone give me a hint?
thanks rob
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i don't know why the Date of the 3rd and 4th row is not visibale .... it is included in the HTML ... but not shwon
Can someone give me a hint?
thanks rob
ohh wrong forum - can someone delete?
It is there, if you drag the mouse over the page you'll see the text is there - so this will be a styling issue. You've probably got a class that sets the text to white.
ok thanks - i check - but i just load bootstrap.css and databatbles.css nothing customized ...
sorry for wrong place - now the question is posted twice - also in free forum ... thought i have to go there ...
just did not use
class="table table-dark">
instead class="table"
works - should have seen that - Thanks anyway - rob