DataTables – AJAX Server Side Procession - Sort Columns
DataTables – AJAX Server Side Procession - Sort Columns
Problem Video:
We load data from Wordpress via Ajax and put them there. We want to sort columns up or down by percentage. Can you help us?
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When using server side processing the server script is expected to perform all the sorting, searching and paging functions. There is not an option to mix client side sorting with server side processing. In the video it looks like you have less than 4000 records. Maybe you don't need server side processing with 4000 records. Have you tried disabling server side processing to see if the performance is satisfactory?
Hi Kevin,
thank you. We got this test server with only 4000 users. On our live server we got a lot of more users and we will scale. What do you think? So we have to extend our ajax code in order to sort the data?
This section of the FAQ should help, it discusses various techniques to improve performance,