on serverside processing serachbuilder apply criteria take more time.
on serverside processing serachbuilder apply criteria take more time.

We have implemented custom bookmark functionality for searchBuilder criteria .
We had store search builder criteria details in database column.
When we select any bookmark from bookmark dropdown it apply criteria with below command on current datatable.
Code snippet
- tableDT.searchBuilder.rebuild(data.searchBuilder);
Issue : Multiple times serverside calls while apply criteria.(means for multiple searchBuilder criteria calls multiple times call serverside)
e.g for single criteria calls 2 serverside calls.
Anyway we can override this?
call server side url one time only?
Current searchBuilder version -/*! SearchBuilder 1.1.0
This thread has a similar problem description. Not sure if the fix applies to your issue but you might try the nightly version referenced until the next version comes out - something after 1.3.0. Let us know if the nightly fixes the issue so the developers know if they need to look at the issue.
I am using searchBuilder 1.3.0. I am using serverside scripting but I am not sure How I implement the server side searchBuilder without using Editor library.(Because it's paid and my company not afford it).
I read many article but not a single article has proper example of implementation. I found one but it is using the editor library
This page here discusses SSP with SearchBuilder . And here is an example, that shows the server-side script too, hopefully they'll get you going. Finally, this blog post gives some background that may be useful,