Multiple joins on the same table
Multiple joins on the same table

Hello, maybe found a serious bug.
I have multiple left join on a users table because I need to store and show the used id who inserted the record and the user id who last modified the record.
Field::inst( 'u1.username' ),
Field::inst( 'u2.username' ),
Field::inst( 'pratiche.ID_UtenteInserimento' )
->set( Field::SET_CREATE )
->setValue( $userlogin['details']['id'] ),
Field::inst( 'pratiche.ID_UtenteUltimaModifica' )
->set( Field::SET_EDIT )
->setValue( $userlogin['details']['id'] )
->leftJoin( 'users as u1', '', '=', 'pratiche.ID_UtenteInserimento' )
->leftJoin( 'users as u2', '', '=', 'pratiche.ID_UtenteUltimaModifica' );
The problem is that Datatables updates the users table erroneously.
Here you have the log of the queries from the MySql database, in particular here you can see the problem:
2022-02-22T14:27:16.580442Z 74 Query SELECT * FROM users
u1 WHERE id
= '2'
2022-02-22T14:27:16.581046Z 74 Query UPDATE users
u1 SET username
= 'operatore1' WHERE id
= '2'
2022-02-22T14:27:16.581961Z 74 Query SELECT * FROM users
u2 WHERE id
= '2'
2022-02-22T14:27:16.582541Z 74 Query UPDATE users
u2 SET username
= 'backoffice1' WHERE id
= '2'
The column username is updated with value 'operatore1' and after with 'backoffice1' !!!!!
this is the full log:
2022-02-22T14:27:16.568970Z 74 Query START TRANSACTION
2022-02-22T14:27:16.575364Z 74 Query SELECT pratiche
as '' FROM pratiche
WHERE pratiche
= '5'
2022-02-22T14:27:16.576925Z 74 Query UPDATE pratiche
SET ID_StatoPratica
= '2', DataPratica
= '2022-02-21', nome
= 'Maria', ID_Gestore
= '2', ID_Servizio
= '4', ID_Sesso
= '1', cognome
= 'Antonelli', CodiceFiscale
= 'ENNIOMORR1111112', DataNascita
= '2005-02-11', LuogoNascita
= 'Roma', Telefono
= '0815255563', Email
= '', IndirizzoResidenza
= '', ComuneResidenza
= '', CapResidenza
= '44111', ProvResidenza
= '', IndirizzoSpedizione
= '', ComuneSpedizione
= '', CapSpedizione
= '', ProvSpedizione
= '', AnnotazioneOperatore
= '', AnnotazioneSupervisore
= '', ID_Allegato1
= '4', ImportoServizio
= '19.99', SerialeSim
= '51515151516515615169999', TrackingCode
= '111111112222222223333333333', VerificaEffettuata
= '0', DataUltimaModifica
= '2022-02-22 15:27:16', ID_UtenteUltimaModifica
= '2' WHERE pratiche
= '5'
2022-02-22T14:27:16.580442Z 74 Query SELECT * FROM users
u1 WHERE id
= '2'
2022-02-22T14:27:16.581046Z 74 Query UPDATE users
u1 SET username
= 'operatore1' WHERE id
= '2'
2022-02-22T14:27:16.581961Z 74 Query SELECT * FROM users
u2 WHERE id
= '2'
2022-02-22T14:27:16.582541Z 74 Query UPDATE users
u2 SET username
= 'backoffice1' WHERE id
= '2'
2022-02-22T14:27:16.583798Z 74 Query SELECT pratiche
as '', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ID', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ID_StatoPratica', pratiche
as 'pratiche.DataPratica', stati
as 'stati.stato', pratiche
as 'pratiche.nome', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ID_Gestore', gestori
as 'gestori.gestore', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ID_Servizio', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ID_Sesso', servizi
as 'servizi.servizio', pratiche
as 'pratiche.cognome', pratiche
as 'pratiche.CodiceFiscale', pratiche
as 'pratiche.DataNascita', pratiche
as 'pratiche.LuogoNascita', pratiche
as 'pratiche.Telefono', pratiche
as 'pratiche.Email', pratiche
as 'pratiche.IndirizzoResidenza', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ComuneResidenza', pratiche
as 'pratiche.CapResidenza', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ProvResidenza', pratiche
as 'pratiche.IndirizzoSpedizione', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ComuneSpedizione', pratiche
as 'pratiche.CapSpedizione', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ProvSpedizione', pratiche
as 'pratiche.AnnotazioneOperatore', pratiche
as 'pratiche.AnnotazioneSupervisore', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ID_Allegato1', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ImportoServizio', pratiche
as 'pratiche.SerialeSim', pratiche
as 'pratiche.TrackingCode', pratiche
as 'pratiche.VerificaEffettuata', u1
as 'u1.username', u2
as 'u2.username', pratiche
as 'pratiche.DataInserimento', pratiche
as 'pratiche.DataUltimaModifica', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ID_UtenteInserimento', pratiche
as 'pratiche.ID_UtenteUltimaModifica' FROM pratiche
ON stati
= pratiche
LEFT JOIN gestori
ON gestori
= pratiche
LEFT JOIN servizi
ON servizi
= pratiche
u1 ON u1
= pratiche
u2 ON u2
= pratiche
WHERE pratiche
>= '0' AND pratiche
= '2' AND pratiche
= '5'
2022-02-22T14:27:16.585217Z 74 Query SELECT id
as 'id', filename
as 'filename', filesize
as 'filesize', web_path
as 'web_path', system_path
as 'system_path' FROM files
IN ('4')
2022-02-22T14:27:16.585427Z 74 Query COMMIT
This question has accepted answers - jump to:
Is it right that you don't want the username fields to be updated? I can't see what you are doing at the front end but either way you can make sure those fields don't get updated using ->set( false ).
Yes! That do the trick!
Thank you so much!
È stato un piacere. Buona giornata.