Adjusting size of Bubble on open event
Adjusting size of Bubble on open event

in Editor
I several bubble editors in a row, but I have a few TinyMCE types that need to be larger than the others (too small to use), so I can't globally change the width like in this discussion:
So I came up with the following; adding a class that overwrote the width:
_editor.on( 'open', function ( e, mode, action ) {
if (_editor.displayed().includes("projectNotes") || _editor.displayed().includes("executiveStatusSummary")) {
$("div.DTE_Bubble div.DTE_Bubble_Liner").addClass( 'wysiwygWrap' );
} );
However, it weirdly offsets the bubble now:
Expected to be centered like the other fields:
This discussion has been closed.
Never mind, I forgot the
as well. Needs to be half the width.As usual, gotta ask the question to see the answer sometimes.