How to send an Id (DiagramaId) to the Datatable to filter the data
How to send an Id (DiagramaId) to the Datatable to filter the data

I apologize, but I don't know how to put a test case
$(document).ready(function () {
tableBase = $('#tableGridDetail').DataTable({
dom: "lfrtip", // DOM
filter: true, // Filtrado de datos
info: true, // Resultado de busquedas
processing: true, // Muestra/Oculta la leyenda procesando
scrollX: true, // Scroll Horizontal
select: true, // Permite seleccionar el renglon
ordering: true, // Activa el ordenamiento
autoWidth: true, // Apaga el ancho automatico
lengthMenu: [[10, 50, 100, 150, -1], [10, 50, 100, 150, "Todos"]],
responsivePriority: 1,
scroller: { "loadingIndicator": true },
serverSide: true,
deferRender: true,
responsivePriority: 1,
data: null,
// Here I call the controller, but I don't know how to send the DiagramId so that it only retrieves the records of that ID
// Aqui llamo al controlador, pero no se como mandar el DiagramaId para que me recupere solo los registros de ese ID
ajax: {
url: "/DiagramaDetail/LoadDataGrid/",
type: "POST",
datatype: "json",
There is no error message, I just don't know how to send the DiagramaId parameter, note, the detail table has 63 fields and can return up to 600 rows
I am designing a system with Net Core 5 MVC, I have to show a Master-Detail, I already have the Master view that contains a Datatable, I would like that when clicking on the ID field (DiagramaId), the view with the detail would be displayed , but I don't know how to call the Detail view.
// This is the controller LoadDataGrid
public IActionResult LoadDataGrid(int id)
var draw = Request.Form["draw"].FirstOrDefault();
var start = Request.Form["start"].FirstOrDefault();
var length = Request.Form["length"].FirstOrDefault();
var sortColumn = Request.Form["columns[" + Request.Form["order[0][column]"].FirstOrDefault() + "][name]"].FirstOrDefault();
var sortColumnDir = Request.Form["order[0][dir]"].FirstOrDefault();
var searchValue = Request.Form["search[value]"].FirstOrDefault().ToUpper();
pageSize = length != null ? Convert.ToInt32(length) : 0;
skip = start != null ? Convert.ToInt32(start) : 0;
recordsTotal = 0;
List<VDiagramaDetailModel> ListVDiagramaDetailModel = Singleton.Instance.EntityManager.GetEntities<VDiagramaDetailModel>($"Diagrama_Id = {id}");
ListVDiagramaDetailModel = (from d in ListVDiagramaDetailModel select d).ToList();
/* Si tenemos una cadena de busqueda */
if (searchValue != "")
ListVDiagramaDetailModel = ListVDiagramaDetailModel.Where(x => x.DiagramaDetailId.ToString().Contains(searchValue)).ToList();
recordsTotal = ListVDiagramaDetailModel.Count;
/* Reordenar segun lo solicitado en el Grid */
switch (sortColumn)
case "diagramaDetailId":
if (sortColumnDir == "asc")
ListVDiagramaDetailModel = ListVDiagramaDetailModel.OrderBy(x => x.DiagramaDetailId).Skip(skip).Take(pageSize).ToList();
ListVDiagramaDetailModel = ListVDiagramaDetailModel.OrderByDescending(x => x.DiagramaDetailId).Skip(skip).Take(pageSize).ToList();
return Json(new { draw, recordsFiltered = recordsTotal, recordsTotal, data = ListVDiagramaDetailModel });
Thanks for the help
Do you mean something along these lines?
It is not the best solution, but it works and it will give me time to analyze.
In a static class, save the ID when entering the controller that shows the detail, then when the Datatable enters, since the ID is zero, I assign the one that I previously saved and that's it, everything works perfectly.
This's my static class
Here I save the ID (Controller to load the Detail with an ID)
Here I retrieve the ID (Controller to load the Datatable)
Tanks for all, gracias por la ayuda