hello i need help

hello i need help

</XZayronTR></XZayronTR> Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited April 2022 in Free community support

Hello, I'm trying to print the id that I have taken with ssp, using the formatter on the same page, with a 'pdo' connection, to print the data I have taken from another data according to the id I have, but I am having a problem; I'm new please excuse my mistakes.


  $columns = array(
        array('db'=>'exp_date','dt'=>3, 'formatter'=>function($data){
            if ($data == ''){
                return "<span class='badge badge-secondary'><font color='#ffff00'>Unlimited</font></span>";
                return date('d/m/Y H:i:s',$data);
        array('db'=>'member_id','dt'=>4, 'formatter'=>function($data){
        $say = $dbDeatils->query("select * from reg_users where id='$data'")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $asd = $say['username'];
        return $asd;
        array('db'=>'enabled','dt'=>6, 'formatter'=>function($data){
            if ($data == 1){return "<span class='badge badge-success'>Enabled</span>";}else{return "<span class='badge badge-danger'>Disabled</span>";};
        array('db'=>'id','dt'=>7, 'formatter'=>function($data){
            return "<a href = 'user_edit.php?id={$data}' ><font color='#5B5B5B'><i class='fa fa-pencil' aria-hidden='true'></i></font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href = 'transactions.php?action=start&id={$data}' ><font color='#00b91c'><i class='fa fa-power-off' aria-hidden='true'></i></font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href = 'transactions.php?action=stop&id={$data}' ><font color='#bc0d00'><i class='fa fa-power-off' aria-hidden='true'></i></font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href = 'transactions.php?action=delete&id={$data}' ><font color='#DA0000'><i class='fa fa-times' aria-hidden='true'></i></font></a>";


Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.


  • colincolin Posts: 15,240Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    You haven't said what problem you're having! Are you seeing errors? What happens when you run that script on the server?


  • </XZayronTR></XZayronTR> Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

    array('db'=>'member_id','dt'=>4, 'formatter'=>function($data){ $say = $dbDeatils->query("select * from reg_users where id='$data'")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $asd = $say['username']; return $asd; }),

    when i write this part of the code i get this error : https://prnt.sc/_vJWYaWgAyzJ

  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395

    You are expected to follow the link provided in the error message, which shows explanatory notes and diagnostic steps.

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