[SearchPanes]: API initialisation with serverSide: true
[SearchPanes]: API initialisation with serverSide: true

Following the example
the API initialisation with serverSide: true
seems not to work.
Here is the test case:
When init SearchPanes on document ready
event, only the message 'Loading search panes...' is shown.
When init SearchPanes on init.dt
event, the search panes are shown but empty.
But adding the dom
and buttons
option makes everything work fine:
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Thanks for flagging this up and also the test case
. You are right, SearchPanes wasn't considering the possibility that the initial Ajax request has already been processed. I've committed a fix which will be in the nightly shortly.
It should be noted though, that when using this method of initialisation the SearchPane parameters sent to the server cannot be included in the initial Ajax request. That may or may not be an issue for you.
Hi @allan ,
Fix applied, works perfect, thank you!
Discussion can be closed.