Bootstrap Tooltip doesn't not work in childrow
Bootstrap Tooltip doesn't not work in childrow
Posts: 36Questions: 3Answers: 0
In the following test case, one bootstrap tooltip works and the other does not
Please , any idea ?
I'm lost
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BTW, tooltips does not work neitht on fontawesome,
I knos this font awesome pb is not link to data table but I have no idea .
It works if I use JPG instead of font awesome
$('#example tr td>button[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip();
or dynamic table add initComplete
$('#example').dataTable( {
"initComplete": function(settings, json) {
$('#example tr td>button[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip();
} );
I tried to add your code in my test case, but I rollbak...
I don't manage to make it works,
Could you fix it in my testcase plese, I'm lost
I don't wan't tooltip work only for buttons, I want it works for all the fontawesome (red pen on the top ) and red per in the action column.
Anyone to help me ?
is selecting all matching elements when that code runs. But the child row is not in the document when that code runs, hence why it isn't picking it up.
Simply run
again after you have displayed the child row:
Allan, sorry , but I opened your test case and it does not work.
-the red pen in the action column does not work.
the red pen on the top of the page neither ( and this one iis not in a childrow, or in any data table )
The tooltip for both FA icons is working in the test case:
I can confim that it does not work at home.
Maybe the browser ?
I use Firefox .
On your screen shot, it is not the tootip of bootstrap but tte native tooltip that appears after a few second. The bootsrap tooltip appears immediately and get an sort of arrow .
Might be the browser. Have you tried others? I use Chrome. If the tooltip isn't working with the Font Awesome icon you have at the top of the page then this isn't a Datatables issue. Stack Overflow is a good resource for troubleshooting general Javascript, Bootstrap and other issues.
This is what it looks like in Firefox for me:
Hi, The test case works well does not work,
Thanks a lots.
Hi, I must confess I have a strange issue with tooltips : see
The toolitp works if I USE
<!--script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script--->
But NOT if I use
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
I mange to make it works in the childrow due tu this thread, but Everythink is broken if I use FA 6.1.0.
ANyone have an explanation ?
in it does not work neither !
You'd probably need to ask the FontAwesome folk about that.
Sure but in the 2 following test cases , FontAwesome , 6.1.0 is used, one works, and the other don't: Curious works well does not work,
I don't see any difference in the code.
if works well if I use a span
@fmarguerie you must initialize the TOOLTIP before any other thing...
Also note that
will select elements that exist in the DOM already. If you are then placing an item into the DOM which should have a tooltip after that line has been executed (e.g. in a child row, like the original question mentions) you would need to initialise the tooltip again, once it is in the DOM.Allan