Scroller - filters having issues and # of ### questions

Scroller - filters having issues and # of ### questions

GstgGstg Posts: 66Questions: 4Answers: 0
edited June 2022 in Scroller

I will gladly buy credits or take a suggestion of someone that might be available to review a page to get this working.

We have just about everything working on our site which is about to go live, but we really need scroller (infinite scrolling) to work. We are using server side processing and will have millions of records.

We have quite a few custom filters and using the # of records out of ### of records to show how the different filters are working.

Unfortunately when we implement the scroller, those numbers go away and a (NaN) appears. I suspect we also have something messed up as the pagenation is still on at the bottom the entire table.

Allen has the login information for the site and we were working with him.

There is no easy way to show the the full test code / example.i will link what I think is the relevant section to see if there is something blatant wrong. Thanks so much for your time.

We would like to find a contractor who is very familiar with DataTables tomreview our main 1 page. It is complex, and we just need to make sure we are doing everything as best we can before launch. Thank

$(document).ready( function () {

    var title;
    var editor3 = new $.fn.DataTable.Editor({

               "processing": true,
               "serverSide": true,
// --------------------- NEED TO FIX -------------------------------------
//                scroller:    true,
//                deferRender: true,
//                scroller: {
//                             loadingIndicator: true
//                             },
//          scrollCollapse: true,
// --------------------- NEED TO FIX -------------------------------------

        ajax:  "/DataTables/myplace.php",
            table: "#sort_table3",
            fields: [

    var table3 = $('#sort_table3')
        .DataTable( {
            ajax: {
                url: '/DataTables/myplace.php',
                data: function (d) {
                    d.anyDay = anyDay;
                    d.MyListings = MyListings;
                                error: function (xhr, error, code)
                       "language": {
                               "info": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_",
                                "infoFiltered": "(from _MAX_)"

//               "processing": true,
//               "serverSide": true,
// --------------------- NEED TO FIX -------------------------------------
//                scroller:    true,
//                deferRender: true,
//                scroller: {
//                             loadingIndicator: true
//                             },
//          scrollCollapse: true,
// --------------------- NEED TO FIX -------------------------------------

//                        search: false,
//                        info: false,
//                        dom: 'lrt',
            responsive: true,
            scrollX: true,
//          scrollY: 800,

//                        search: {"search": myCleanSearch},
            pageLength: 10,
                        lengthMenu: [
                [ 10, 20, 30, 40, -1 ],
                [ '10 rows', '20 rows', '30 rows', '40 rows', 'Show all' ]
            dom: '<"row row_3 row"FiB>rtp', // "F=Custom, Q=Adv Search, l=Page length, r=pRoccessing wait, t=table, i=Bottom info # of entries, p=Bottom Pages, B=Buttons?",
            type: "upload",
            columns: [

Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.


  • GstgGstg Posts: 66Questions: 4Answers: 0
    edited June 2022

    Is the section below supposed to be in both the Editor & the DataTables section or only one of them?

    // --------------------- NEED TO FIX -------------------------------------
    //                scroller:    true,
    //                deferRender: true,
    //                scroller: {
    //                             loadingIndicator: true
    //                             },
    //          scrollCollapse: true,
    // --------------------- NEED TO FIX -------------------------------------
  • allanallan Posts: 64,143Questions: 1Answers: 10,584 Site admin

    I've just sent a reply by e-mail, but those options are DataTables configuration options: scroller.


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