Loading the data grid takes much longer in ie8 verse chrome browser

Loading the data grid takes much longer in ie8 verse chrome browser

HermanMirandaHermanMiranda Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited November 2011 in General
is there any way to speedup ie8 when loading the data grid? it takes 1.5 sec in chrome and about 80 secs in ie8 to do the SAME table page load!!! On our project we are stuck using ie8. Please help!!!!


  • Ironwil616Ironwil616 Posts: 50Questions: 0Answers: 0
    The only way I found around this problem was to use server-side processing. If you have a lot of records to render and they include HTML tags, the amount of time taken to render them from Chrome to IE8 is just unbelievable. When I was rendering 30 columns and 264 records with anchor tags wrapping the data, it only took a few seconds in Chrome. It took about 30-40 in IE8. Also, if you attempt to utilize column-specific filters, those are another bottleneck waiting to happen in IE8. IE8's JavaScript engine just drags.

    What I did was to switch to server-side processing, only yielding a max of around 50 records at a time. I also use drop-down column filters for 3 of my 30 columns, but I get that data server-side as well and construct them with my own code, rather than having a JavaScript function do it. That saves loads of time. Now I'm running through over 6,000 records, and the sorting/paging only takes about 1 second or less to roll, and I'm using most of dataTables' extras in my project. Give me a little more info about what you're doing and I'll post the code I've used successfully. Currently everything works in my project except for sorting after moving columns around. I'm still trying to kick that one. It's no problem client-side only, but server-side it's a thorn in my side.
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    The other thing to check is that the table is not in a display:none element when you initialise it - that appears to slow IE down massively (possibly due to the way it parses the DOM for display:none elements). Aside from that, we would need a lot more information - such as the number of rows / columns, if you are using complex sorting etc.

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