Dateformat to editortables
Dateformat to editortables
Posts: 10Questions: 7Answers: 0
I've been trying to set the date to for days but it doesn't work. I tried with moment, but unfortunately it didn't work, can someone help me? This is my code:
public ActionResult EditorTable()
//var connString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("DevContext");
string dbConnection = this._configuration.GetSection("ConnectionStrings")[connection];
//DbProviderFactories.RegisterFactory("Microsoft.Data.SqlClient", Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory.Instance);
using (var db = new Database("azure", dbConnection))
var response = new Editor(db, "Model")
.Field(new Field("column1"))
.Field(new Field("column2"))
.Field(new Field("columnDATE"))
return Json(response);
var editor;
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor ({
ajax: {url: "/Controller/EditorTable" , type: "POST"},
table: "#tbl",
fields: [{
label: "column1",
name: "column1",
type: "select",
options: dropdownColumn1.value
label: "datum",
name: "columnDATE",
type: "datetime",
def: function () { return new Date(); }
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Using moment.js this line should give you today's date in the format you require. And yes: This is case sensitive! will NOT work.
If you want to achieve the same using plain javascript it gets a little complicated. I wouldn't use it. You need to get moment.js going anyway, e.g. for international date sorting and the like using the universal date sorting plug in (or whatever it was called).