Using searchbuilder on the server side

Using searchbuilder on the server side

lancwplancwp Posts: 90Questions: 20Answers: 1

I refer to , I also want to use searchbuilder in the server mode. In the example, there is no need to change the server code, but I tested it. As long as I turn on the server mode, the query of searchbuilder will become unresponsive. Is there any problem with my code?

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/down/jquery.dataTables.min.css">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/down/buttons.dataTables.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/down/select.dataTables.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/down/dataTables.dateTime.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/down/colReorder.dataTables.min.css">
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/editor.dataTables.min.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/searchBuilder.dataTables.min.css">

    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/down/jquery-3.5.1.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/down/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/dataTables.editor.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/down/dataTables.buttons.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/down/"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/down/dataTables.dateTime.min.js"></script>   
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/dataTables.searchBuilder.min.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" class="init">

    var minDate, maxDate;

var editor; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the examples

$(document).ready(function() {

    editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
        ajax: "controllers/staff.php",
        table: "#example",

"fields": [ {
                "label": "First name:",
                "name": "ydh"

    } );

    $('#example').DataTable( {

         dom: 'QBfrtip',
     ajax: {
            url: 'controllers/staff.php',
            type: 'POST'
        serverSide: true,   

        //order: [[ 1, 'asc' ]],

        columns: [
                data: null,
                defaultContent: '',
                className: 'select-checkbox',
                orderable: false,
                searchable: false
            { data: "id" },     
            { data: "ydh" },

            { data: "statu",
             "orderable" : false, // 禁用排序
                 //  "defaultContent" : "",
                    "width" : "1%",
                  // "class": "btn-primary",//给当前列添加样式
                    "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {
                            return data = '<span class="badge badge-purple">'+data+'</span>';

                            return data = '<span class="badge badge-success ">'+data+'</span>';
                            return data = '<span class="badge badge-danger">'+data+'</span>';
                            return data = '<span class="badge badge-warning">'+data+'</span>';

                            return data = '<span class="badge badge-info">'+data+'</span>';
                            return data = '<span class="badge badge-primary">'+data+'</span>';

            { data: "hh" },
            { data: "customer" },
            { data: "brand" },
            { data: "business" },
            { data: "nature" },
            { data: "size" },
            { data: "color" },
            { data: "pairs" },
            { data: "sumpairs" },
            { data: "xdtime" },
            { data: "wctime" },
            { data: "gq" },
            { data: "xqk" },            
            { data: "jl" },
            { data: "bs" },
            { data: "blgb" },
            { data: "zb" },
            { data: "jytime" },
            { data: "bll" },
            { data: "bql" },
            { data: "fltime" },         
            { data: "cjl" },
            { data: "cjql" },
            { data: "gp" },

            { data: "zcl" },
            { data: "zcql" },
            { data: "zc" },

            { data: "dd" },
            { data: "cx" },
            { data: "dzt" }
        "oLanguage": {
"sLengthMenu": "每页显示 _MENU_ 条记录",
"sZeroRecords": "抱歉, 没有找到",
"sInfo": "从 _START_ 到 _END_ /共 _TOTAL_ 条数据",
"sInfoEmpty": "没有数据",
"sInfoFiltered": "(从 _MAX_ 条数据中检索)",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "首页",
"sPrevious": "前一页",
"sNext": "后一页",
"sLast": "尾页",

"sZeroRecords": "没有检索到数据",
"sProcessing": "<img src='assets/images/loaders/loader_gr.gif' />"
"aLengthMenu": [15, 50,100],
"iDisplayLength": 15,  
        order: [1,'desc' ],

      select: true,

        buttons: [

                extend: 'collection',
                text: '导出',
                buttons: [

    } );

} );



    <body class="fixed-left">    
ID 样单号 状态 货号 客户 品牌 业务组 性质 尺码 配色 双数 总双数 下单时间 完成时间 工期 新旧款 寄料 版师 备料给版 纸板 交样日 备料人 备欠料 发 料 裁剪人 裁剪欠料 高频 针车收到 针车欠料 针车已完成 大底 成型 底状态

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • lancwplancwp Posts: 90Questions: 20Answers: 1


                 * Example PHP implementation used for the index.html example
                // DataTables PHP library
                include( "../lib/DataTables.php" );
                // Web and thumbs paths to file
                  $webPath = '/uploads/233.jpg';
                // System paths
                    $sysPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $webPath;
                // Alias Editor classes so they are easy to use
                // Build our Editor instance and process the data coming from _POST
                Editor::inst( $db, 'ocjd' )
                        Field::inst( 'id' )->set(false)  //ID是自新增的,加上set(false才能新增后自动刷新)
                            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                                ->message( 'id is required' )   
                            ) ),
                        Field::inst( 'ydh' )
                            ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                                ->message( '样单号不能为空' )  
                            ) ),            
                        Field::inst( 'statu' )
                         ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) ),
                        Field::inst( 'hh' )
                        ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                                ->message( '货号不能为空' )   
                            ) )
                        Field::inst( 'customer' )
                         ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) ),
                        Field::inst( 'brand' )
                         ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) ),
                        Field::inst( 'business' )
                         ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) ),
                        Field::inst( 'nature' )
                        ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                                ->message( '性质不能为空' )   
                            ) )
                        Field::inst( 'size' )
                        ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                                ->message( '尺码不能为空' )   
                            ) )
                        Field::inst( 'color' )
                        ->validator( Validate::notEmpty( ValidateOptions::inst()
                                ->message( '颜色不能为空' )   
                            ) )
                        Field::inst( 'pairs' )
                        ->validator( Validate::numeric() )
                        ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty(null) 
                        Field::inst( 'sumpairs' )
                         ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) ),
                //      ->validator( Validate::numeric() )
                //          ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty(null)
                //          ),
                        Field::inst( 'xdtime' )
                         ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) ),
                        Field::inst( 'wctime' )
                         ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) ), 
                        Field::inst( 'gq' ),
                //           ->setValue(round((strtotime(Field::inst( 'wctime' ))-strtotime(Field::inst( 'xdtime' )))/3600/24)),
                        Field::inst( 'xqk' )
                         ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) ),
                        Field::inst( 'zcl' ),
                        Field::inst( 'zcql' ),
                        Field::inst( 'zc' ),
                        Field::inst( 'dd' ),
                        Field::inst( 'cx' ),
                        Field::inst( 'dzt' ),
                        Field::inst( 'cjl' ),
                        Field::inst( 'cjql' ),
                        Field::inst( 'gp' ),
                        Field::inst( 'jl' ),
                        Field::inst( 'bs' ),
                        Field::inst( 'zb' ),
                        Field::inst( 'jytime' ),
                        Field::inst( 'bll' ),
                        Field::inst( 'bql' ),
                        Field::inst( 'fltime' ),
                         Field::inst( 'blgb' )
                         ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) ),
                        Field::inst( 'removed_date' )
                            ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) )
                    ->process( $_POST )

  • lancwplancwp Posts: 90Questions: 20Answers: 1

    Editor v2.0.4 SearchBuilder 1.2.0

  • lancwplancwp Posts: 90Questions: 20Answers: 1

    Hello, Can anyone help me

  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,598
    Answer ✓

    When you say unresponsive, can you be more specific, please? Is this when you're editing the data, or just loading? Are you seeing any errors on the server, or in the browser's console?


  • lancwplancwp Posts: 90Questions: 20Answers: 1

    When using searchBuilder filtering, if there is no filtering result after entering the filtering criteria, all records will be displayed with out error

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