Scroll positions not saved when using fixed columns

Scroll positions not saved when using fixed columns

amaphilamaphil Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Link to test case: nope
Debugger code ( "an error occurred, sorry"
Error messages shown: none
Description of problem:
Hello there, it seems that in all our tables that are using fixed columns, saving of the scroll positions is broken.

On pages with fixed columns:

$.fn.dataTable.tables( { visible: true, api: true })

returns 0

On pages without fixed columns:

$.fn.dataTable.tables( { visible: true, api: true })

returns the actual vertical scroll position, e.g. 52

I tried finding out how and where the scroll positions are being stored after a submit, so far to no avail.

Unfortunately the debugger runs into an error on upload, so all I can really do is provide the configurations:

On the jsp (yes, still using those...):

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    var oTable = jQuery("#DataTable");
    initializeTaxFormDataTable(oTable, {fixedColumns: {leftColumns: 5}, calcHeight: true}, {showHeader: false, hideHeader: false});
} );
jQuery(window).on('resize', function(){
    setTimeout(function() { $.fn.dataTable.tables( { visible: false, api: true } ).columns.adjust().fixedColumns().relayout(); }, 250);

In the customized datatables.js:

function initializeTaxFormDataTable(oTable, options, buttons, isPaging) {
    /// ...

    var colCount = getDataTableColumnCount(oTable);
    var scrollCollapse = options.scrollCollapse;
    var calcHeight = options.calcHeight;
    var showHeader = buttons.showHeader;
    var hideHeader = buttons.hideHeader;
    var fixColumns = buttons.fixColumns;
    var noOfFixedColumns = buttons.noOfFixedColumns;
    useJqueryUi = false;

    var defaults = {
        "scrollY" : "75vh",
        "scrollX" : true,
        "jQueryUI" : isNullOrEmpty(useJqueryUi) ? true : useJqueryUi,
        "scrollCollapse" : scrollCollapse,
        "lengthChange" : false,
        "searching" : true,
        "ordering" : false,
        "info" : false,
        "autoWidth" : false,
        "language" : getDataTableLang(),
        "stateSave" : true,
        "pagingType" : "full",
        "dom" : 'T<"H"Bfr>tS<"F">',
        "initComplete" : function(settings, json) {
        "stateSaveParams" : function(settings, data) {
            var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(settings);
            if (api.buttons('colvisRestore')) {
        "buttons" : [],
        "scroller" : {
            displayBuffer : 1000
    var settings = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, options);
    settings = jQuery.extend({}, settings, getDataTableLang());
    var datatable = oTable.DataTable(settings);

    var buttonPos = 0;
    if (showHeader) {
        $.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.showHeader = createButtonShowHeader();
        datatable.button().add(buttonPos, {
            extend : 'showHeader',
            className : 'showHeaderButton'
    if (hideHeader) {
        $.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.hideHeader = createButtonHideHeader();
        datatable.button().add(buttonPos, {
            extend : 'hideHeader',
            className : 'hideHeaderButton'
    if (fixColumns) {
        $.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.fixColumns = createButtonFixColumns(noOfFixedColumns);
        datatable.button().add(buttonPos, {
            extend : 'fixColumns',
            className : 'buttons-fix-columns'
    setTimeout(function () {
        $.fn.dataTable.tables({visible: false, api: true}).columns.adjust().fixedColumns().relayout();
    }, 250);

We are currently using DataTables 1.10.18

Thanks in advance


  • allanallan Posts: 63,210Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin


    First thing to do would be to update your DataTables install. 1.10.18 is quite old now - 1.12.1 is the current release. Note that we don't attempt to store the horizontal scroll position at this time.


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