After submit data by using textarea width ckeditor5 type

After submit data by using textarea width ckeditor5 type

DanielShinDanielShin Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

i set up ckeditor5 as plugin on textarea.
It looked good so i edited font color and background color etc.
but after i saved, only basic tags seemed to be allowed such as bold, italtic etc.
Styles or some tags are not allowed in editor?


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,461Questions: 26Answers: 4,975

    Its been a long time since I used CKEditor but I believe you will need to use the opts option in the field definition. See the CKEditor5 options docs. In the opts you will need to configure the desired toolbar. See this CKEditor toolbar doc for details.

    See this thread for example code.


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