Child table not updating
Child table not updating

I'm using fairly complex left joins. I am unable to CRUD anything on the child table following this example: parent/child blog
My child table renders correctly. I can CRUD everything correctly in the UI without errors, but the database does not CRUD. No errors are thrown. But the debug statement has no update SQL statements, only SELECT.
child table php
if ( ! isset($_POST['commissionid']) || ! is_numeric($_POST['commissionid']) ) {
//echo $_POST['commission'];
echo json_encode( [ "data" => [] ] );
else {
// Build our Editor instance and process the data coming from _POST
Editor::inst( $db, 'commissions', 'commid' )
->debug( true )
Field::inst( 'commissions.commid' )->set(false),
Field::inst( 'm.memid' ),
Field::inst( 'm.fname' ),
Field::inst( 'm.lname' ),
Field::inst( '' ),
Field::inst( 'mct.session' ),
Field::inst( 'mct.term_start' ),
Field::inst( 'mct.term_end' ),
Field::inst( 'mct.officer' ),
Field::inst( 'mct.representing' ),
Field::inst( 'mct.appt_by' )
->leftJoin( 'members_commissions AS mc', 'mc.commission_id', '=', 'commissions.commid' )
->leftJoin( 'members AS m', 'm.memid', '=', 'mc.member_id' )
->leftJoin( 'member_info AS mi', 'mi.memid', '=', 'm.memid' )
//the following left join makes the many join unique, otherwise you get duplicate values
->leftJoin( 'member_comm_term AS mct', 'mct.memid', '=', 'm.memid AND (mct.commid = commissions.commid)')
->where('commissions.commid', $_POST['commissionid'])
->process( $_POST )
child table/editor js
var members_editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
ajax: {
data: function (d){
var selected = commissions_table.row({selected: true});
if (selected.any()){
d.commissionid =;
table: '#members',
fields: [
"label": "First Name:",
"name": "m.fname"
"label": "Last Name:",
"name": "m.lname"
"label": "memid:",
"name": "m.memid"
"label": "commid:",
"name": "commissions.commid"
"label": "Party:",
"name": ""
"label": "Session:",
"name": "mct.session"
"label": "Start Date:",
"name": "mct.term_start",
"type": "datetime"
"label": "End Date:",
"name": "mct.term_end",
"type": "datetime"
"label": "Officer:",
"name": "mct.officer"
"label": "Representing:",
"name": "mct.representing"
"label": "Appointed By:",
"name": "mct.appt_by"
} );
var members_table = $('#members').DataTable( {
dom: 'QBfrtip', //
ajax: {
url: '/appointments/editor/lib/table.members.php',
type: 'post',
data: function (d){
var selected = commissions_table.row({selected: true});
if (selected.any()){
d.commissionid =;
columns: [
data: 'commissions.commid'
data: 'm.memid'
data: 'm.fname'
data: 'm.lname'
data: ''
data: 'mct.session'
data: 'mct.term_start'
data: 'mct.term_end'
data: 'mct.officer'
data: 'mct.representing'
data: 'mct.appt_by'
select: true,
lengthChange: false,
buttons: [
{ extend: 'create', editor: members_editor, enabled: false, init: function(dt) {
var that = this;
commissions_table.on('select deselect', function() {
that.enable(commissions_table.rows({selected: true}).any())
{ extend: 'edit', editor: members_editor },
{ extend: 'remove', editor: members_editor },
extend: 'collection',
text: 'Export',
buttons: [
searchBuilder: {
preDefined: {
condition: '=',
data: 'Session',
origData: 'mct.session',
type: 'string',
value: ['92nd']
logic: 'AND'
} );
commissions_table.on( 'select', function (e) {
//console.log(commissions_table.row( { selected: true } ).data().commid)
.field( 'commissions.commid' )
.def( commissions_table.row( { selected: true } ).data().commid);
//console.log(commissions_table.row( { selected: true } ).data().commid)
} );
commissions_table.on( 'deselect', function () {
} );
members_editor.on( 'submitSuccess', function () {
} );
commissions_editor.on( 'submitSuccess', function () {
} );
} );
This discussion has been closed.
I simplified the child table php to this:
as it had some reduncy to parent table:
mjoin on child might be more elegant but I cant find documentation on creating a view, per previous question: mjoin question
This does not solve problem, but maybe makes the question easier to read?
I am seeing an empty data array
d.commissionid =;
should have been
d.commissionid =;