fnRowCallback using same procedure as fnDrawCallback
fnRowCallback using same procedure as fnDrawCallback

Hi Allan
Do you think possible for fnRowCallback to implement the same method as fnDrawCallback, allowing the existance of more than one function per row?
The problem is that at the moment i allready have code assign for fnRowCallback, by calling the plugin SearchHighlighting and now i'm implementing another that could use a similar aproach. In this case is a plugin to show inline charts, with the help of jQuery Sparklines plugin.
joao noronha
Do you think possible for fnRowCallback to implement the same method as fnDrawCallback, allowing the existance of more than one function per row?
The problem is that at the moment i allready have code assign for fnRowCallback, by calling the plugin SearchHighlighting and now i'm implementing another that could use a similar aproach. In this case is a plugin to show inline charts, with the help of jQuery Sparklines plugin.
joao noronha
This discussion has been closed.
* File: jquery.InlineChart.js
(function($) {
$.fn.InlineChart = function(options) {
var defaults = {
sClassName: "InlineChart",
sType: "bar",
iColInline: -1,
aiInlineCols: [],
sNullZeroChart: "Default",
sWidthChart: "auto",
sHeigthChart: "auto",
sLineColor: "blue",
sFillColor: "lightblue",
bShowSpots: false,
sWidthBar: "auto",
sBarColor: "blue",
sNegBarColor: "red",
sZeroBarColor: "lightblue",
sNullBarColor: "gray",
asMapColorCol: [],
aoMapColorVal: null
return this.each(function(index, elem) {
var oTable = $(elem).dataTable();
var properties = $.extend(defaults, options);
//Validar se as propriedades estao correctas
if (properties.iColInline < 0) {
if (properties.aiInlineCols.length < 2) {
var _fnDrawCallBackInlineChart = function(oSettings) {
if (oSettings.aiDisplay.length == 0) {
var nTrs = $('tbody tr', oTable);
for (var r = 0; r < nTrs.length; r++) {
// Loop through the rows/fields for matches
var nRow = nTrs[r];
var sValues = "";
/* Get the position of the current data from the node */
var aPos = oTable.fnGetPosition( nRow );
/* Get the data array for this row */
var aData = oTable.fnGetData( aPos );
for (var i = 0; i < properties.aiInlineCols.length; i++) {
var sData = aData[properties.aiInlineCols[i]];
if (properties.sNullZeroChart == "Default") {
if ((sData == null) || (sData == 'undefined'))
sData = "null";
if (properties.sNullZeroChart == "Null2Zero") {
if ((sData == null) || (sData == 'undefined'))
sData = "0";
if (properties.sNullZeroChart == "Zero2Null") {
if ((sData == null) || (sData == 'undefined'))
sData = "null";
else if (sData == 0)
sData = "null";
sData.replace("%", ""); //para poder trabalhar valores percentuais
sValues = sValues + sData + ",";
sValues = sValues.substring(0, sValues.length - 1);
$('td:eq(' + properties.iColInline + ')', nRow).addClass(properties.sClassName);
$('td:eq(' + properties.iColInline + ')', nRow).attr("values", sValues);
//Draw inline chart
var cells = $("." + properties.sClassName, oTable);
if (cells !== null && cells !== 'undefined')
if (properties.sType == 'bar') {
if (properties.aoMapColorVal !== null && properties.aoMapColorVal !== 'undefined')
cells.Sparkline('html', { type: "bar", width: properties.sWidthChart, height: properties.sHeigthChart, barColor: properties.sBarColor, negBarColor: properties.sNegBarColor, zeroBarColor: properties.sZeroBarColor, nullBarColor: properties.sNullBarColor, mapColor: properties.aoMapColorVal });
else {
if (properties.asMapColorCol.length !== 0)
cells.Sparkline('html', { type: "bar", width: properties.sWidthChart, height: properties.sHeigthChart, barColor: properties.sBarColor, negBarColor: properties.sNegBarColor, zeroBarColor: properties.sZeroBarColor, nullBarColor: properties.sNullBarColor, mapColor: properties.asMapColorCol });
cells.Sparkline('html', { type: "bar", width: properties.sWidthChart, height: properties.sHeigthChart, barColor: properties.sBarColor, negBarColor: properties.sNegBarColor, zeroBarColor: properties.sZeroBarColor, nullBarColor: properties.sNullBarColor });
if (properties.sType == "line") {
if (properties.bShowSpots)
cells.Sparkline('html', { type: "line", width: properties.sWidthChart, height: properties.sHeigthChart, lineColor: properties.sLineColor, fillColor: properties.sFillColor });
cells.Sparkline('html', { type: "line", width: properties.sWidthChart, height: properties.sHeigthChart, lineColor: properties.sLineColor, fillColor: properties.sFillColor, spotColor: false, minSpotColor: false, maxSpotColor: false });
if (properties.sType == 'pie') {
if (properties.asMapColorCol.length !== 0)
cells.Sparkline('html', { type: "pie", width: properties.sWidthChart, height: properties.sHeigthChart, mapColor: properties.asMapColorCol });
cells.Sparkline('html', { type: "pie", width: properties.sWidthChart, height: properties.sHeigthChart });
"fn": _fnDrawCallBackInlineChart,
"sName": "fnInlineChartDraw"
var odt = $('#example').dataTable();
odt.InlineChart({iColInline: 2, aiInlineCols: [3,4]});
But it gives me an error. Can you give me a hand to understand what went wrong Allan?
Thanks in advance
Joao Noronha