show the same table when page reload

show the same table when page reload

reikireiki Posts: 46Questions: 11Answers: 0

I got 2 datatables with ajax for example like :

function setDataTablel(tgl = null, tglA = null, tglB = null, departemenId = null, group = true, seperate = false, hariInterval = null, pisah = true, barangId = null, kodeMerk = null){
      setColumn(group, seperate);
      var columns = [];
          { data: 'DT_RowIndex', name: 'DT_RowIndex', orderable: false, searchable: false },
          { data: 'cabang', name: 'cabang' },
      for(var count = 0; count < 31; count++){
            { data: count, name: count}
        { data: 'score', name: 'score' }
        deferRender : true,
        scrollX: "800px",
        scrollY: "500px",
        scrollCollapse: true,
        paging: false,
        processing: true,
        serverSide: true,
        fixedColumns:   {
            left: 0,
            right: 1
        ajax: {
          url: "{{ route('scoreboard.index') }}",
          type: "GET",
          data: {
            tglA: tglA,
            tglB: tglB,
            departemenId: departemenId,
            group: group,
            seperate: seperate,
            pisah: pisah,
            barangId: barangId,
            kodeMerk: kodeMerk,

        columns: columns

i got 2 datatables like that, so there 2 button on my page so based on what someone click it will show that table + data and if user click the other button it will add form-hidden calss to the other one and remove form-hidden class from the current one, now i what i want to do is when user reload via browser reload or f5 it will still show the same table, how can i do that ? it seems ajax.reload doesnt do that only refresh the table


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