Button search
Button search

First of all. Great plugin and thank you for your time developing it!
I think a good feature would be to have a setting where you could simply just turn on or off search for each character or on key press, near search textbox should also be a button search which would be also optional (show = true or false)
I already implemented (if I am hones I found it on the net :) ) search on keyup
//event for search on enter keyup
$(function () {
$('.dataTables_filter input').unbind('keyup').bind('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode != 13) return;
Best Regards!
First of all. Great plugin and thank you for your time developing it!
I think a good feature would be to have a setting where you could simply just turn on or off search for each character or on key press, near search textbox should also be a button search which would be also optional (show = true or false)
I already implemented (if I am hones I found it on the net :) ) search on keyup
//event for search on enter keyup
$(function () {
$('.dataTables_filter input').unbind('keyup').bind('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode != 13) return;
Best Regards!
This discussion has been closed.
There are quite a number of different ways that the filtering input could be customised, inkling having a key press delay (like this plug-in: http://datatables.net/plug-ins/api#fnSetFilteringDelay), having it only filter on return (http://datatables.net/plug-ins/api#fnFilterOnReturn) or having a button added (no plug-in for that yet, but I've seen it done).
As such, I think I'd prefer to keep the basic implementation nice and generic, and ensure that customisations such as this can be done easily.