Server side processing custom query using Editor database drivers

Server side processing custom query using Editor database drivers

technofreakstechnofreaks Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0

Need help in changing sql query, table name, column names

I am using code from Server-side processing example,

Need help in using oci drivers from Editor and to change query.

Change query according to table below.

Table name: product_records.

RecordDate is DateTime.
ID,ProductCode,Stock is numberic,
ProductName,StoreLoc text field (varchar).

Also tried using javascript Pipelining data to reduce Ajax calls for paging with Oracle backend from Datatables-Editor.
with php scripts staff-html.php and staff-view.php, these works with example database oracle.sql,
need to make changes for usising with different table.

Please advice..

Thank you

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