Problem with Multi Level Button Collection

Problem with Multi Level Button Collection

trongarttrongart Posts: 222Questions: 51Answers: 0
edited April 2023 in Free community support

Test case:

In this test case, I have a a multi level button collection Button Group with 3 buttons Button 1, 2, 3 and a Deactivate Button 1. When Buttons 1,2,3 are inactive, they have the color red and when active green.

Deactivate Button 1 deactivates Button 1 in the group chaning its background color back to red. When clicking on Button 1 and then on Deactivate Button 1, Button 1 should change from red back to green. This works fine until you do this for the 3rd, 4th or 5th time as for some reason Button 1's background gets stuck at green and doesn't change back to red - meaning Deactivate Button 1 sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

What could be the issue here?

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