Download problem on mobile?

Download problem on mobile?

mercury15mercury15 Posts: 14Questions: 6Answers: 0

I have an export button to download to Excel. The export button is working on PCs and laptops. But when on the mobile version,
If I click the Export Excel button, I get the error "Download protocol not supported". What is the reason it is not working on mobile?
Check your website for downloads; it won't work.


  • allanallan Posts: 62,522Questions: 1Answers: 10,272 Site admin

    How old is your mobile? Or perhaps more correctly, what OS, browser and version are you using? I just tried it on Android 12 and it works fine with both Firefox and Chrome. I know old iOS versions didn't support file creation and download on device, so perhaps that is it? The latest versions of iOS / iPadOS will work as well though.


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