I have a problem with Datatable when active scrollX with column filter (search)
I have a problem with Datatable when active scrollX with column filter (search)

I have a problem with Datatable when active scrollX with column filter (search) i tried hard but nothing
image 1 : the search work fine if scrollx is disabled
image 2 : but the table is not scrollable from right to left or from left to right
image 3 : when i active scrollX
image 4 : column filter (search) is disabled and the table header change to that
image 5 : and the table scroll work fine .. !!!
image 6 : i want to active scrollX , column filter work fine , and change the table header to be like in the image
the code :
$(document).ready(function () {
// Initialize DataTable
var table = $('#dataTable').DataTable({
// Enable searching
searching: true,
// // Enable horizontal scrolling
// scrollX: true,
// fixedHeader: true,
// Enable export buttons
dom: '<"dt-top-container"<l><"dt-center-in-div"B><f>r>t<ip>',
//dom: 'Blfrtip',
// dom: '<"dt-top-container"<"dt-left"<l>><"dt-center-in-div"B><"dt-right"f>>t<ip>',
buttons: [{
extend: 'excelHtml5',
text: 'XLSX',
title: $('title').text() + ' - ' + (new Date()).toLocaleString('en-US', {
day: '2-digit',
month: '2-digit',
year: 'numeric',
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit'
}).replace(/[\/\,\:]/g, '-'),
filename: $('title').text() + '-' + (new Date()).toLocaleString('en-US', {
day: '2-digit',
month: '2-digit',
year: 'numeric',
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit'
}).replace(/[\/\,\:]/g, '-') + '.xlsx',
exportOptions: {
orthogonal: 'export',
columns: ':not(:eq(4))'
customize: function (xlsx) {
var sheet = xlsx.xl.worksheets['sheet1.xml'];
$('row c[r^="C"]', sheet).attr('s', '0');
extend: 'copyHtml5',
text: 'Copy',
exportOptions: {
columns: ':visible'
extend: 'csvHtml5',
text: 'CSV',
fieldSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.',
title: $('title').text(),
filename: $('title').text() + '-' + (new Date()).toLocaleString('en-US', {
day: '2-digit',
month: '2-digit',
year: 'numeric',
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit'
}).replace(/[\/\,\:]/g, '-'),
charset: 'utf-8',
exportOptions: {
columns: ':visible'
// Add length menu options
lengthMenu: [
[25, 50, 100, -1],
[25, 50, 100, "All"]
// Set default page length
pageLength: 25,
"language": {
"searchPlaceholder": "Search ...",
"decimal": "",
"emptyTable": "No Data..!!!",
"info": "Show feom _START_ to _END_ from _TOTAL_",
"infoEmpty": "No such data",
"infoFiltered": "( Total _MAX_ )",
"infoPostFix": "",
"thousands": ",",
"lengthMenu": "_MENU_",
"loadingRecords": "Loading ...",
"processing": "Processing ...",
"search": "Search : ",
"zeroRecords": "No result",
"lengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ Per Page",
"paginate": {
"first": '>>',
"last": '<<',
"next": '>',
"previous": '<'
"aria": {
"sortAscending": ": activate to sort column ascending",
"sortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending"
// Define array of column indexes that are searchable
var searchableColumns = [1, 2, 3];
// Add input fields for each searchable column
$('#dataTable thead th').each(function (index) {
if (searchableColumns.includes(index)) {
var title = $(this).text();
$(this).html('<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search for ' + title +
// Apply input field search to each searchable column
table.columns().every(function (index) {
if (searchableColumns.includes(index)) {
var that = this;
$('input', this.header()).on('keyup change clear', function () {
if (that.search() !== this.value) {
// Apply global search
$('#global_filter').on('keyup change clear', function () {
you can try the code
any idea !!
This question has accepted answers - jump to:
When using
Datatables clones the header and displays the cloned header. Thetable().header()
API is used to access this header instead of the original which is now hidden. This example shows one way to do this:https://live.datatables.net/cedayopa/1/edit
You will need to had the second header in the HTML and use a classname to define which columns to apply the search to.
Thanks kthorngren
but how i can disable filter in first and last coulmns ?
As I said...
For the columns you don't want to apply the search to remove the classname. For example:
i think i make it
Thanks kthorngren
your answer was easier
the last thing
when active scroll x
the horizontal scroll bar show in the button, and i want to add horizontal scroll bar in the top of the table too
any idea ?
This thread should help, it's asking the same thing,
thnaks Colin
unfortunately , it works fine for normat table not for datatable
Digging through the Stack Overflow links in the thread Colin posted I tried the one from this thread. It seems to work:
My mistake
it worket fine
thanks Colin and Kevin