Integration of infinite scroll pagination using jquery data table (Server side rendering)
Integration of infinite scroll pagination using jquery data table (Server side rendering)
On scroll infinite pagination (Server side) - Works but getting extra container height with blank spaces
* We will get 40 results per api call request
* When scrolling bottom and reached the end, if we loaded more than 500 rows we should remove some data from the top
* When scrolling top and reached the top, if we loaded more than 500 rows we should remove some data from the bottom
* Should show the pagination numbers according to row index/serial
* We will have sorting on columns
* If we try to sort a column, we will be paginated at the first page, I mean reset the pagination
* The column header should be sticky
Here is the code snippet I tried.
```let start = 0; // Initialize the start value
var table = $('.custome-table-style').DataTable({
autoWidth: false,
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
searching: true,
fixedHeader: true,
responsive: true,
buttons: [
{extend: 'colvis', text: "Select Columns", className: 'btn btn-default'}
dom: 'lfrt<"table-footer-section d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center"iB>',
ajax: {
url: "{{ route('roles.pagination.lists') }}",
type: "GET",
data: function (data) {
data.length = 40; // Number of rows to fetch in each request
// Modify the request parameters for pagination
if (data.draw === 1) {
// For the first draw request, start from 0
data.start = 0;
} else {
// Adjust the start position based on draw and length parameters
data.start = (data.draw - 1) * data.length;
// Add filters to the request parameters
data.filters = {
badge_layout_id: $("#badge_layout_id").val(),
client_settings_id: $("#client_settings_id").val()
dataSrc: function (data) {
// Map the returned data to the required format for DataTables
return; // Assuming the data is returned in a 'data' property
columns: [
data: 'name',
"render": function (data, type, row) {
return `<a href="/roles/${}/edit" title="Edit">${}</a>`;
name: 'name'
{data: 'is_admin', name: 'is_admin'},
{data: 'badge_layout', name: 'badge_layout'},
{data: 'created_at', name: 'created_at'},
scrollY: 400,
scrollCollapse: true,
scroller: {
loadingIndicator: true,
//displayBuffer: 20,
// serverWait: 200,
// boundaryScale: 0.5, // Adjust this value as needed
// displayBoundary: 3 // Adjust this value as needed
deferRender: true,
initComplete: function (settings, json) {
const table = this.api();
const tableContainer = $(".dataTables_scrollBody");
const rowHeight = 48; // Assuming each row has a fixed height of 48 pixels
const bufferSize = 3; // Number of rows to preload before reaching the scroll boundary
let isScrolling = false;
tableContainer.on('scroll', function () {
if (isScrolling) {
const scrollTop = tableContainer.scrollTop();
const scrollHeight = tableContainer.prop('scrollHeight') || tableContainer.height();
const clientHeight = tableContainer.prop('clientHeight') || tableContainer.height();
if (scrollTop === 0) {
const start = Math.max(0, -;
if (start !== {
isScrolling = true; /'page').done(function () {
isScrolling = false;
} else if (scrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight - clientHeight * bufferSize) {
const start = +;
if (start !== {
isScrolling = true; /'page').done(function () {
isScrolling = false;
If you could link to a test page showing the issue, that would be a great help.
Are all your rows exactly the same height? That is a requirement for Scroller.
Could you refresh your sentence,
From this example:
Is that the case in your table?
As I say, if you could link to a page showing the issue, that would greatly improve my chances of being able to offer some help.