Allow columns.title to be a function
Allow columns.title to be a function

I've started using Handlebars and one of the items that would be nice is to allow columns.title
to be a function.
My use case is that I'd like a column with an icon to open each child row (˅
), but in the header an icon to close all the child rows (˄
| ˄ | Heading | Heading | Heading |
| ˅ | Data | Data | Data |
| ˅ | Data | Data | Data |
| ˅ | Data | Data | Data |
I obviously can do that now:
data: null,
title: "<html for close-all-child-rows icon ˄ >",
def: "<html for open-child-row icon ˅ >"
data: null,
title: "<html for close-all-child-rows icon ˄ >",
render: ()=> "<html for open-child-row icon ˅ >"
But if I want to change the icons then I have to do it on all the tables on the site where I use those icons.
With Handlebars it would look like this:
data: null,
title: ()=> Handlebars code for close-all-child-rows icon ˄,
render: ()=> Handlebars code for open-child-row icon ˅
And then I would just change the Handlebars template.
I can actually do that now EXCEPT when ordering
is true
I get the following error because it's expecting a string for the title instead of a function:
Uncaught TypeError: i.sTitle.replace is not a function
Anyway -- the ability to use a function for columns.title
even when ordering
is true
would help my particular case and maybe someone else with something similar!
property would only be evaluated when the table is initialised, so if it must be in a function, you could use an immediately invoked function (i.e. it just calls itself).That said, I'm not clear on why a function is needed - if you are using a handlebars macro or something to complete that icon, wouldn't you just have that in place of the string?
for example?
Ah, ok -- the immediately invoked function works perfectly!
As far as just using ``{{handlebars-variable-for-icon}}``` -- you might be right.
I'll look at that in the morning -- it's 2:21 am my time so I can't think through why I'm doing it the current way right now!
Oof - that's well past my bedtime!