Can I make a column like the one in the picture below with the function of extension or editor of th

Can I make a column like the one in the picture below with the function of extension or editor of th

chitachita Posts: 33Questions: 12Answers: 2

Can I make a column like the one in the picture below with the function of extension or editor of the data table?

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    DataTables supports colspan and rowspan in the table's header, please see this example (it's the same with or without Editor) - but please note that they're not support with the table's body.


  • chita2chita2 Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
    <script setup>
    import Pageheader from "../../../shared/components/pageheader/pageheader.vue";
    // DataTables
    import { onMounted } from 'vue';
    import DataTable from '';
    import DataTablesCore from '';
    import Editor from '';
    import '';
    import '';
    import '';
    import '';
    import '';
    import '';
    onMounted(function () {
      $('#example').on('dblclick', 'tbody td:not(:first-child)', function(e) {
    const editor = new Editor ({
      fields: [
          name: 'checkbox',
          type: 'checkbox',
          separator: '|',
          options: [{ label: '', value: 1 }]
        { name: 'lock', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'accountType', type: 'select', options: ['내부 직원', '외부 직원', '장비'] },
        { name: 'dep', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'username', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'userId', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'email', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'phone', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'tel', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'registDate', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'expireDate', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'lastAccess', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'lastAccessDate', className: 'ControlWidth' },
        { name: 'note', className: 'ControlWidth' },
      formOptions: {
        inline: {
        onBlur: 'submit',
        drawType: 'full-hold',
        fieldInfo: false,
      idSrc: 'DT_rowID',
      table: '#example',
    const columns = [
      { title: '', data: 'checkbox', orderable: false,
        render: (data, type, row) =>
          type === 'display' ? '<input type="checkbox" class="editor-active">' : data,
          className: 'dt-body-center'
      { title: '잠김', data: 'lock' },
      { title: '계정 유형', data: 'accountType' },
      { title: '부서', data: 'dep' },
      { title: '사용자명', data: 'username' },
      { title: '사용자 ID', data: 'userId' },
      { title: '이메일', data: 'email' },
      { title: '휴대폰', data: 'phone' },
      { title: '전화번호', data: 'tel' },
      { title: '등록일자', data: 'registDate' },
      { title: '만료일자', data: 'expireDate' },
      { title: '최근 접속', data: 'lastAccess' },
      { title: '최근 접속 시간', data: 'lastAccessDate' },
      { title: '비고', data: 'note' },
    const options = {
      responsive: true,
      orderMulti: false,
      order: [[1, 'asc']],
      select: {
        style: 'multi',
        selector: 'input.editor-active',
      colReorder: true,
      searching: false,
      scrollY: true, // use change number
      scrollX: true,
      scroller: true,
      language: {
        select: {
          rows: {
            0: '',
            _: " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; %d개 행이 선택 됨"
        paginate: {
          next: ">>",
          previous: "<<",
        lengthMenu: '<select>'+
          '<option value="10">10개</option>'+
          '<option value="20">20개</option>'+
          '<option value="30">30개</option>'+
          '<option value="40">40개</option>'+
          '<option value="50">50개</option>'+
          '<option value="-1">전체</option>'+
          '</select> 값 출력',
          info: "전체 데이터 _TOTAL_개 중 _START_ - _END_ 데이터가 출력되었습니다.",
      rowCallback: function (row, data) {
       // Set the checked state of the checkbox in the table
       row.querySelector('input.editor-active').checked = == 1;
    const data = [
        DT_rowID: 'row_1',
        checkbox: '',  
        lock: '',
        accountType: '내부 직원',
        dep: '연구소\\연구 1팀',
        username: 'TESTER',
        userId: 'TESTER ID',
        email: '',
        phone: '010-1234-3491',
        tel: '02-755-1944',
        registDate: '2023-08-17 05:41:15',
        expireDate: '-',
        lastAccess: '2일 전',
        lastAccessDate: '2023-08-18 13:34:22',
        note: '',
        DT_rowID: 'row_2',
        checkbox: '',     
        lock: '',
        accountType: '외부 직원',
        dep: '연구소\\연구 1팀',
        username: 'TESTER',
        userId: 'TESTER ID',
        email: '',
        phone: '010-1234-3491',
        tel: '02-755-1944',
        registDate: '2023-08-17 05:41:15',
        expireDate: '-',
        lastAccess: '2일 전',
        lastAccessDate: '2023-08-18 13:34:22',
        note: ''
        DT_rowID: 'row_3',
        checkbox: '',     
        lock: '',
        accountType: '장비',
        dep: '연구소\\연구 1팀',
        username: 'TESTER',
        userId: 'TESTER ID',
        email: '',
        phone: '010-1234-3491',
        tel: '02-755-1944',
        registDate: '2023-08-17 05:41:15',
        expireDate: '-',
        lastAccess: '2일 전',
        lastAccessDate: '2023-08-18 13:34:22',
        note: ''
      class="display nowrap"
      style="width: 100%"

    This is my current code status. I would like to use rospan or colspan in this format. Will it be possible?

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,211Questions: 26Answers: 4,928
    Answer ✓

    The columns.title option won't build a complex header. See this note in the docs:

    Please note that when constructing a header, DataTables can only construct a simple header with a single cell for each column. Complex headers with colspan and rowspan attributes must either already be defined in the document, or be constructed using standard DOM / jQuery methods.


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