In datatable can we have vertical and horizontal scrollbar both with the fixed header?

In datatable can we have vertical and horizontal scrollbar both with the fixed header?

Vandana17Vandana17 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
Col1 this is the longest title Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 Col8 Col9 Col10 Col11 Col12 Col13 Col14 Col15 Col16 Col17 Col18 Col19 Col20
Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Value 5 Value 6 Value 7 Value 8 Value 9 Value 10 Value 11 Value 12 Value 13 Value 14 Value 15 Value 16 Value 17 Value 18 Value 19 Value 20
Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Value 5 Value 6 Value 7 Value 8 Value 9 Value 10 Value 11 Value 12 Value 13 Value 14 Value 15 Value 16 Value 17 Value 18 Value 19 Value 20
Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Value 5 Value 6 Value 7 Value 8 Value 9 Value 10 Value 11 Value 12 Value 13 Value 14 Value 15 Value 16 Value 17 Value 18 Value 19 Value 20


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,449Questions: 26Answers: 4,975

    In datatable can we have vertical and horizontal scrollbar both with the fixed header?

    Yes, take a look at this example.


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