SearchPaneOptions.php Editor2.2.2
SearchPaneOptions.php Editor2.2.2

in SearchPanes
Hi! Had to workarround the original code as PHP 5.3 doesnt support array_column to be used with an array of objects.
ln 410 (sugestion)
$entriesKeys = array_map(function ($e) {
return is_object($e) ? $e->value : $e['value'];
}, $entriesRows);
This discussion has been closed.
Thanks for flagging that up. I actually think it is past time that we dropped support for PHP 5.3. It is almost a decade since its last release and hasn't received any security patches since then.
Can I ask why you are using 5.3 (for my own knowledge and planning of support versions)?
Unfortunatly i dont manage this application server, it ll be upgraded soon tho.
But this function has been upgraded to work with an array of objects since PHP 7.0, as:
Perhaps you should keep this workaround for a while.
Thanks in advance, Allan.
The PHP docs appear to have it as 5.5+ for that method. I totally missed that while implementing it. Yes, I'll get that changed.