Page X of Y pagination

Page X of Y pagination

stormbladestormblade Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited December 2011 in Plug-ins
Hey all,

I was looking for a way to customize the pagination to be Page x of y instead of the Showing x to y of z entries. And just the four button navigation. Looking over the documentation it looks like I need to create a custom pagination control and I saw the examples. I couldn't really tell which would be suitable for my needs as a base because I couldn't get the live example to work properly. Every one seems to render the same.

So can anyone help me? Or point me to where someone has already done this? I can't imagine no one has needed it to read this way.

Thanks in advance.


  • allanallan Posts: 64,069Questions: 1Answers: 10,563 Site admin
    Table information can be controlled using the sInfo language parameter:

    Four button pagination plug-in is available here:

  • stormbladestormblade Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
    LOL thank you. For some reason I was confusing the table information with the pagination information. I thought I would have to create a plug-in just to get it to say Page x of y. I'm actually fine with the default full numbers pagination plug-in.

    Thanks again.
  • stormbladestormblade Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hmm looks like the _START_ and _END_ are not the pages but the indexes. How do I convert this to Pages. Do I need to do this myself or am I missing something.
  • allanallan Posts: 64,069Questions: 1Answers: 10,563 Site admin
    Ah yes - you are quite right. What you will probably need to do is use fnInfoCallback ( ) and the fnPagingInfo plug-in: . With them you'll have all the information needed and a way to set the text in the display element.

  • stormbladestormblade Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Ah that looks like exactly what I need. I'm having some trouble calling the plug-in though. I see what it's doing and I could just do that calculation right in the fnInfoCallback function but I kinda wanted to do it the way the example showed but it's not giving me access to the fnPagingInfo function.

    When I do it like the example it tells me that fnInfo is not a function. I try fnPagingInfo and get the same so I did a console.log(this) to see what I was working with and I do not see that function anywhere.
  • allanallan Posts: 64,069Questions: 1Answers: 10,563 Site admin
    Ah damn - sorry about that. There is a bug in DataTables that is stopping that from working quite as it should :-(.

    I've just committed a fix for this into the 1.9 development version (shortly to be released as 1.9.beta.1). You can get the latest version from here:

    With that, this is what is needed to get the table information to look like what you want:

    $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnPagingInfo = function ( oSettings )
      return {
        "iStart":         oSettings._iDisplayStart,
        "iEnd":           oSettings.fnDisplayEnd(),
        "iLength":        oSettings._iDisplayLength,
        "iTotal":         oSettings.fnRecordsTotal(),
        "iFilteredTotal": oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay(),
        "iPage":          Math.ceil( oSettings._iDisplayStart / oSettings._iDisplayLength ),
        "iTotalPages":    Math.ceil( oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() / oSettings._iDisplayLength )

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#example').dataTable( {
    "fnInfoCallback": function ( oSettings, iStart, iEnd, iMax, iTotal, sPre ) {
    var o = this.fnPagingInfo();
    return "Page "+(o.iPage+1)+" of "+o.iTotalPages;
    } );
    } );

  • stormbladestormblade Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
    No worries. Thanks much :)
  • ssantosssantos Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

    regarding fnInfoCallBack, is there any way to explicitly call this function? i.e. adding a new row and update the "x elements found" message.

    Great work by the way!
  • allanallan Posts: 64,069Questions: 1Answers: 10,563 Site admin
    The function will be called automatically when the table does a redraw - which is does when you use the fnAddData API method to add a new row. Is that not working for you?

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