How do you pass a field variable along with the $id to a script?

How do you pass a field variable along with the $id to a script?

koniahinkoniahin Posts: 186Questions: 39Answers: 7

In our (laravel) controller file we have this field:


I'm trying to figure out how to pass it to a script.

    // ->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, $demo_profile, &$values ) {
    ->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, &$values ) {

      $demo_profile = $values['demo_profile'];

      $scriptPath = base_path('resources/views/public/whatever.php');

      // exec("php $scriptPath $id $demo_profile"); // errors

      exec("php $scriptPath $id"); // works fine

    } )

Without $demo_profile it passes the $id fine and the script executes.

If I uncomment the line with $demo version and edit/save in DTE it errors with

Undefined array key "demo_profile"

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  • allanallan Posts: 63,916Questions: 1Answers: 10,535 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    will contain the value submitted.

    Please, at the very least use escapeshellarg to sanatise the input. You are allowing user input to be run as a shell script - that's a serious attack vector. I'd suggest sanatising the heck out of that! Imagine a submission of ; rm -Rf /tmp/*; or worse :)


  • koniahinkoniahin Posts: 186Questions: 39Answers: 7

    In this case the only an administrator can execute the script and also the only values are Yes or No.

    Coincidentally when I was doing UNIX tech support 25+ years back one of our Help Desk staff signed into a user's computer as root and did:

    rm *

    That rustled some feathers.

    Okay passing the $variable works. However we have another problem. The $variable is passed to the script. The script needs to run several indexing queries.

    What I am finding is that if I do an UPDATE or SELECT query of the ARTICLES or another leftJoin table that the query fails. With other tables there is no problem.

    Are these tables locked for editing or something similar? Or perhaps is there another options other than postEdit which will get us there?

    ->on( 'postEdit', function ( $editor, $id, &$values ) {

  • allanallan Posts: 63,916Questions: 1Answers: 10,535 Site admin

    also the only values are Yes or No.

    Awesome - add if conditions for those two values and throw on anything else. Good security practice :)

    rm *

    lol. The worst I ever did was chmod -r 000 * in a directory which had a hard link to /. Sigh.

    Are these tables locked for editing or something similar?

    Not explicit, but it does do it in a transaction which might be what you are running into. You can add ->transaction(false) to stop that behaviour have just have it write immediately.


  • koniahinkoniahin Posts: 186Questions: 39Answers: 7

    I am exploring user error. Sit tight, thx.

  • koniahinkoniahin Posts: 186Questions: 39Answers: 7

    There is security built into Laravel, enough? Maybe not. For all the $variables we are passing they are contained through a DTE select in the form. And the form is only access with Admin/Manager access, no public. Certainly it can be improved.

    I changed the way the data is set up and passed to the include script.

      $demo_profile = $values['articles']['demo_profile'] ?? '';
      $published = $values['articles']['published'] ?? '';


      $data = [
        'id' => $id,
        'pob_region_code' => $pob_region_code,
        'pob_country_code' => $pob_country_code,
        'pod_region_code' => $pod_region_code,
        'pod_country_code' => $pod_country_code,
        'published' => $published,
        'demo_profile' => $demo_profile,


      $dataJson = json_encode($data); // Serialize the array to a JSON string
      $scriptPath = base_path('resources/views/public/.../index-data.php');
      exec("php $scriptPath '$dataJson'");

    This made it a lot easier to associate the $values in the script. It is working well now, thank you.

  • allanallan Posts: 63,916Questions: 1Answers: 10,535 Site admin

    There is security built into Laravel, enough?

    For this - I'd err on the side of caution. For the sake of an if and throw statement, it doesn't seem worth taking the risk of a remote execution attack.

    That it is from the admin page should be okay (assuming this Ajax script is protected with an admin check as well as the HTML for the page).

    Good to hear that it is working now :)


  • koniahinkoniahin Posts: 186Questions: 39Answers: 7

    Oops one more question, of course. I also have to execute the script after creating a new entry. This gets us to the script fine but the additional fields are devoid of life.

    ->on( 'postCreate', function ( $editor, $id, &$values ) {
      $city = $values['articles']['city'] ?? '0';
      $region_code = $values['articles']['region_code'] ?? '0';
      $country_code = $values['articles']['country_code'] ?? '0';
      $data = [
        'id' => $id,
        'city' => $city,
        'region_code' => $region_code,
        'country_code' => $country_code,
      $dataJson = json_encode($data); // Serialize the array to a JSON string
  • allanallan Posts: 63,916Questions: 1Answers: 10,535 Site admin

    Sorry, what additional fields? I would suggest adding the fourth parameter to the postCreate event handler - $row. That contains the row data as it has been read back from the database.


  • koniahinkoniahin Posts: 186Questions: 39Answers: 7

    If it wasn't clear or I misunderstand... I thought &$values was there for the column data in the table. It works with postEdit, but not postCreate.

    With postCreate will $row work like this?

    on( 'postCreate', function ( $editor, $id, &$values, $row ) {

    $city = $row['articles']['city'] ?? '0';
    $region_code = $row['articles']['region_code'] ?? '0';
    $country_code = $row['articles']['country_code'] ?? '0';

    Something like that?

  • allanallan Posts: 63,916Questions: 1Answers: 10,535 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    Yes. The documentation for this is here.

    In postCreate the difference is $values contains the data submitted by the client, while $row contains the data read from the database. It should contain all the data you need.

    I'm not sure why $values would be empty in postCreate - however, are the values needed in $row?


  • koniahinkoniahin Posts: 186Questions: 39Answers: 7

    With that last parcel of response about $row I think we have this resolved. Thx.

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