How to sort date column in datatable? after sorting the dates are coming like this 31-12-2022, 31-12
How to sort date column in datatable? after sorting the dates are coming like this 31-12-2022, 31-12
Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
GetData= () => {
type: "GET",
url: apiurl + "/Api/getdata",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
if (data == null) {
toastr.warning("No Data Available", 'Mobilize Equipment Details', Toastroptions);
else {
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#tblMobilize')) {
$('#tblMobilize tblMobilizebody').empty();
table = $('#tblMobilize').DataTable({
"lengthMenu": [[5, 10, 25, 50], [5, 10, 25, 50]],
"scrollX": true,
"pageLength": 5,
language: {
searchPlaceholder: "Search records",
"sPaginationType": "full",
"searchHighlight": true,
"language": {
"paginate": {
"previous": '<i class="fa fa-backward PMS-Pagination" title="Previous"></i>',
"next": '<i class="fa fa fa-forward PMS-Pagination" title="Next"></i>',
"first": '<i class="fa fa-fast-backward PMS-Pagination" title="First"></i>',
"last": '<i class="fa fa-fast-forward PMS-Pagination" title="Last"></i>',
data: data,
columns: [
'sortable': false,
'searchable': false,
'mRender': (data, type, row) => {
let option = '<span><a onclick="EditMobilize(' + row.Id + ')" title="Edit Mobilize Equipment" class="mr-2 editbtn"> <i class="fa fa-edit text-secondary editicon"></i></a> </span>' +
'<span><a onclick="DeleteMobilize(' + row.Id + ')" title="Delete Mobilize Equipment" class="mr-2 deletebtn"> <i class="fa fa-trash text-secondary deleteicon"></i></a> </span>' +
'<span><a onclick="DemobilizationDate(' + row.Id + ')" title="Demobilize Equipment" class="mr-2 demobilizebtn"><i class="fa fa-upload demobileicon"></i></a> </span>';
return option;
{ 'data': 'EquipmentNo' },
'sortable': false,
'searchable': false,
'data': 'EquipmentType.Name'
'sortable': false,
'searchable': false,
'data': 'Cost'
'mRender': (data, type, row) => {
//return '<span>' + row.MobilizationDate.split('T')[0] + '</span>';
return moment(row.MobilizationDate).format('DD-MM-YYYY');
'sortable': false,
'searchable': false,
'mRender': (data, type, row) => {
let option = (row.isDeMobilized == true) ? '<span><i class="fas fa-check check"></i></span>' : '<span><i class="fa fa-times cross"></i></span>';
return option;
'mRender': (data, type, row) => {
if (row.DeMobilizationDate != null) {
return '<span>' + row.DeMobilizationDate.split('T')[0] + '</span>';
else {
return null;
order: [[4, 'asc']],
'columnDefs': [
orderable: false,
"targets": 0,
"className": "text-center",
"targets": 1,
"className": "text-center",
"targets": 2,
"className": "text-center",
"targets": 3,
"className": "text-center",
"targets": 4,
"className": "text-center",
//"type": 'date-dd-mmm-yyyy'
/* here i have tried to solve the problem but after sorting the dates are coming like this 31-12-2022, 31-12-2021, 31-03-2020, 29-04-2022, 25-05-2022,25-01-2023, 24-02-2023, 15-02-2023, 14-03-2023 .the dates are not sorting properly*/
"type": 'date-eu'
"targets": 5,
"className": "text-center",
"targets": 6,
"className": "text-center",
//sort: true,
"fnDrawCallback": function () {
error: function (xhr) {
toastr.error(xhr.statusText, 'Mobilize Equipment Details', Toastroptions);
This discussion has been closed.
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