Inconsistent styling of column selected for ordering?

Inconsistent styling of column selected for ordering?

michaomichao Posts: 6Questions: 3Answers: 0

If I set...

#table {
      --dt-row-selected: 255, 0, 0;
      --dt-column-ordering: 0, 0, 255;

...the column selected for ordering is styled with both colors, depending if the row is "even/odd". I would expect that --dt-column-ordering only styles the selected column and --dt-row-selected only styles a selected row. But it looks like they are somehow entangled.

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  • allanallan Posts: 62,933Questions: 1Answers: 10,352 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    Nicely spotted - many thanks for letting me know about this error. I had used the wrong CSS variable for one of the CSS branches of the row colouring. I've corrected that now and it will be in the nightly build shortly and the next patch release (1.13.9).


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