Scroller when scrolling not correctly
Scroller when scrolling not correctly

Hi there, sorry for my bad English.
I used datatable with Scroller extensions and data Server-side like example
The error is when scrolling data to the row (with example id = 49) data will call ajax to load more data but it render row (id 52) with the same position the row id =49.(scroll automatically)
Please help explain that issue (I guess the height of row is not same can effect that but not sure)
Thanks so much.
When using Scroller the row heights must all be identical. There is no alternative. Otherwise it would be impossible for it to perform its positioning calculations.
If you need different heights for rows, disable scrolling and use paging.
Thanks for reply my question.
Just one more confuse about my example. All row is the same height but when scroll down, the rows are displayed still not correct.
It does look like an error in Scroller there. I'm working on updates at the moment - I'll try your example out with the latest code.
Thanks so much, please show the example when u finish that.
Hi @allan
Did you find the problem I'm having?
I've not had a chance to look at it yet. I will update this thread when I've done so.