Query definition window formatted incorrectly

Query definition window formatted incorrectly

msavardmsavard Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0

I've created a button that applied a predefined search to SearchBuilder and it works great. If I open up the searchbuilder modal however, the display is messed up (see below). If I click on the right then left arrows as indicated in yellow below, then the display is fine. Is this a bug? Is there something I need to do in code to cause the initial display of the search builder modal to format correctly? If I don't apply the predefined search then I don't have this problem.


Here is the initial display of the searchbuilder modal after applying the pre-defined filter:

After pressing the right arrow then left arrow buttons of the second row:


  • colincolin Posts: 15,236Questions: 1Answers: 2,597

    The second screenshot looks correct, the first looks wrong, as you should only have a single "Add condition" button at each later.

    To progress this, we would really need to see your config running, how it sets up that pre-defined search. Could you modify this example here, please, to demonstrate your problem, or link to your page if it's accessible.


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