DataTables 2 status update
DataTables 2 status update

Hi all,
For anyone following along with DataTable 2 development, you'll have noticed that I had initially said it would be released by the end of 2023, then January 2024. Unfortunately, it still isn't quite ready - DataTables 2 itself is ready to go, but there is documentation and packages to update as well as a few final tweaks for the extensions. I'm hopeful it will be ready for release soon, but I'll not release it until it is actually ready (no sense in releasing something that isn't ready to meet an arbitrary deadline!).
If you would like to try it out just now, the nightly builds contain DataTables 2 and all the latest updated for the extensions (some of which are also receiving major updates).
It will be worth the wait
I get a 404 when trying to get the css fomr the nightly build. is the correct url. Thanks for pointing that out!
I used (=replaced current DT libs with) the nightly builds in one of my projects, and noticed issues when using
as well when using SearchBuilder .
other than that everything worked for me.
I guess those are the "few final tweaks for the extensions" you were talking about.
Is it worth trying to create standalone test cases for those?
Looks like my nightly builds are having some issues - sorry. I've cleared the queue now, and hopefully if you force reload your example it should work now. If it doesn't, yes please, test cases would be excellent.
The refresh helped with the SearchBuilder issue, that is gone.
But when switching to
SearchPanes and table do not load.
Does it et this far for you:
Or does it fail with an error? That's what I get when loading the link above.
Yes, that's what I get as well. But when I switch to responsive: true
SP and table dont load.
Sorry for providing a working test case, with instructions on how to make it not work, probably confusing ;-)
Plus switching to BS dark mode via
doesn't completly switch SP and table to dark mode.
Thank you! That was a proper bug - just committed a fix and it loads now.
I'll look at the dark mode error.