Align cells left after 2.0

Align cells left after 2.0

linusdlinusd Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited February 15 in Free community support

From the release notes of 2.0:

Auto type detection class assignment. Class names are applied automatically to the table columns based on the detected column type. We now automatically right align number and date columns.

I have date type cells, that now automatically gets the dt-type-date class assigned. This class will right align columns.

To custom align columns, you are seemingly supposed to add the dt[-head|-body]-left class:

The problem is, the custom class is added before the automatic class, so its styles are overwritten, including the for me important text-align.

How can i left align a date cell in datatables 2.0? I don't want to change the type of the cell, because that would break ordering.


  • allanallan Posts: 62,275Questions: 1Answers: 10,214 Site admin


    You can control the class names that are automatically assigned to a type through the new DataTable.type() method (some discussion on the built in types here).

    For example:

    DataTable.type('date', 'className', ' ');
    new DataTable('#example');

    Interestingly it ignores the setting if you pass an empty string - that's an error I'll correct.

    You could assign other classes if you prefer. It looks like dt-type-date will take preference over dt-left regardless of order in the class list, I suspect due to the ordering in the CSS. I'll look at that as well.

    Thanks for flagging this up.


  • mc2002tiimc2002tii Posts: 10Questions: 3Answers: 0

    A related problem is that dt-type-date alignment also right-aligns the th cell causing it to overlap with the sorting arrows (at least on Bootstrap 5).

  • allanallan Posts: 62,275Questions: 1Answers: 10,214 Site admin

    I'm not seeing that here or here.

    Are you able to give me a link to a page that is showing the issue please? It sounds like the padding that the DataTables / Bootstrap integration stylesheet is applying to the header for exactly that reason isn't on the table you are looking at for whatever reason.


  • mc2002tiimc2002tii Posts: 10Questions: 3Answers: 0

    I figured out where the problem is happening. My table uses table-sm to reduce the padding in the cells. If you add the table-sm class to the link above it reproduces the problem I am seeing.

  • allanallan Posts: 62,275Questions: 1Answers: 10,214 Site admin

    Brilliant! Thanks for letting me know about that. I've committed a fix which will be in DataTables 2.0.1.


  • mc2002tiimc2002tii Posts: 10Questions: 3Answers: 0

    I appreciate it. Thank you!

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