About license rights
About license rights
Hello Allen,
I have the following problem in a customer project.
I have a developer's license (DataTables Editor v1.9.2 - 1 developer) purchased in my personal name from you on February 9, 2020. The customer who will use my application is my employer and I developed the project at work.
For legality, is it necessary for the customer who will use my application (my employer) to buy a new license?
Thank you.
The license is per developer - so technically no. However, you have to consider your employeer's point of view as well - say you were to leave the company for whatever reason, they would then no longer have access to be able to continue developing with Editor. They may not wish to end up in that position, and would prefer to purchase a license.
Putting my salesman's hat on, I would also note that 1.9.x is really quite old now and no longer supported. 2.3.0 is the current Editor release
Hi Allan,
Thanks for the quick response. We will keep it in mind.
Please tell me if the version Editor 2.3.0 is compatible with the application created with version 1.9.3.
At the moment, without buying an upgrade to 2.3.0, I can legally use a version above 1.9.2 (eg 1.9.7 https://editor.datatables.net/download/1.9.7 or 2.2.0 https
Thank you.
Your license allows the use of all 1.x releases, so 1.9.7 is the latest available to download.
Editor 2.3.0 should work with page that is working with 1.9.3 without adjustment. I don't recall there being any breaking changes (unless perhaps you were using some of the very old APIs from Editor 1.0 which were removed, but I doubt that).
Thank you.