Download builder is broken?
Download builder is broken?
Hi there is something wrong with download builder. I choose styling with bootstrap 4, package Datatables and jQuery 3, choose not to minify, not to concatenate; the download builder in the tab "Download" it tells me to put this:
<link href="DataTables-2.0.0/css/dataTables.bootstrap4.css" rel="stylesheet">
then I download the files and unpack in my ~/lib/datatables directory. ok.
in the web page I load fontawsome, I load jquery and bootstrap css and js and the script above about datatablse. All this went well to some week ago when I decided to update datatables, it was about 1.11.<something>.
Now nothing works anymore. The browser returns
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'sClass')
at _fnColumnOptions (dataTables.js:2055:25)
at _fnDetectHeader (dataTables.js:3835:8)
at _fnBuildHead (dataTables.js:3161:18)
at _fnInitialise (dataTables.js:4580:3)
at Object.success (dataTables.js:321:7)
at c (jquery.min.js:2:25304)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:2:26053)
at l (jquery.min.js:2:77782)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery.min.js:2:80265)
and all functionalities are broken. Before this update I have backed up the dir ~/lib/datatables where are all my datatables files and there is a file that in this distribution is not present: jquery.dataTables.min.js. What I am missing?
Please remove this discussion, I have solved
How did you resolve it? Was it changing
(which is the new name for that file)?Allan
I've a table with a header that has various cells with colspans>1 and rowspans>1 and hidden columns.
So, in a trial-and-error DataTables crashed with the common generic error. Now I have found (with the correct way. I must tell that it has been very painful.
That appears to work okay? As long as the colspan / rowspan is valid, it should work okay. Invalid combinations, yes, they would likely fail.
Also, DataTables 2 now allows for a column not having its own unique cell - a single header can colspan across multiple columns now.
yes it works, thank you